t w e n t y-f i v e - that's totally not a word

Start from the beginning

He smiled back. "You were really good at it," he admitted with a touch of amusement in his eyes.

"So were you," I giggled, then I looked back up at the ceiling. The next few words came out of my mouth so easily. "And it's funny because you're so shy, but in bed you're like a completely different person."

"Really?" He asked curiously, like he genuinely didn't believe me. Or maybe he was just faking it for mine and his enjoyment.

"Yeah. You're like, aggressive, but in a good way. And dominant, and... passionate, for lack of a better word," I shrugged it off, but it was all true.

Passionate? I don't think I've ever said that to a guy about his talents in bed before. Then again, Josh isn't like the rest, as I've so clearly mentioned before.

He hummed as a response, and I saw him nodding out of the corner of my eye. He smacked his lips together like he was thinking hard on something, so I expectantly raised my eyebrows. "Well, you're bossy and loud as a person... and you're bossy and loud in bed so..." he trailed off.

"Shut up!" I scoffed with a laugh, turning over and shoving his arm. But as I pushed him, his hand caught my wrist and he held it in his grip. He raised an eyebrow at me in a challenging way, which made my lips turn up coyly.

With one yank, he pulled me closer to him and trapped me underneath his body. His fresh t-shirt mixed with the faint scent of his cologne was enough to have me in the palm of his hand. My eyes looked up at him, practically begging him to kiss me as a lazy smile spread across his face. He leaned down at the same time that I picked my head up, and our lips met in the middle.

And for the rest of the morning, it was like last night never ended.


"Oh shit," Josh exclaimed as he leaned up on his elbow in one quick motion.

"What?" I raised an eyebrow at his sudden outburst.

His phone was in his hands, his fingers typing wildly as his eyebrows furrowed at the screen. I just waited until he was done to see if he would answer, knowing very well that people can't really talk while they text.

Once he tapped his finger on the screen one last time, he looked up at me with that same confused look on his face. I stayed with my head on my pillow, staring up at him.

"Dan and Isabella broke up."

"What?" I spat out, jumping up too.

"Yeah," he started typing frantically again.

"W-why?" I stuttered. I really didn't know what to say, so that was the first thing that came out of my mouth.

"I don't... I don't know," he muttered as he shook his head. He stared at his phone intently, scrolling through it for a little bit with the same puzzled look in his eyes.

It's dark outside now, probably nearing 6 o'clock, and the only time we got out of bed today was to make pancakes around 1. Other than that, we've been hibernating under the covers together and I really, really don't mind it at all.

We've just been talking for awhile now and took a break from being sex-crazed savages, when Josh suddenly came out with this news that Dan and Isabella are no longer a thing. I always knew that they'd never last, but for some reason I was totally stunned. He's too good for her and she's a bitch, but I still can't believe it.

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