Feeling at Home

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~Yoongi's POV~

I noticed first that these boys love to take pictures. I can't count how many they've taken and how many I've taken with them. I took out my own phone, put my headphones in, and started to scroll through twitter. I came across Yoonmi's post, on her Mimi Studio twitter? This is recent.

"Sometimes, we spend so much time thinking about others and losing sight of ourselves, which is why sometimes 'I'm not fine' and the situation 'is not fine'. You'll find out soon that I'm not all the way there, but I will find some way to be 'Fine'." I click the "like" button, knowing very well that it will get attention from it. I really worry about her sometimes, especially if I think she's hiding something from me. I lean back in the seat, pull my facemask up, and slowly drift off into sleep.

~Yoonmi's POV~

I put what I wrote for my paper so far up on twitter under my Mimi Studio account, then I got up and left the room when we were dismissed. The rest of the day up until lunch went horribly slow, each class dragging on more than the last. It was finally lunch when I saw that my phone was full of notifications. The first one that I noticed was from twitter. One of the boys liked my tweet. How did they know about this? I opened twitter to a bunch of notifications, mostly from their fans, asking who I was, how did I know the boys, some mean ones, and then a lot of nice ones too. I cleared them out and closed twitter. I next checked my texts, one from each of the boys again.

"Stay safe while we are gone; don't get into trouble. Remember to eat and we'll see you on Sunday." ~Jin
"Have lots of fun without us~ You can use my other laptop of you want to play games. Remember to sleep and eat!" ~Taehyung with attachments of many photos of the maknae line and Yoongi. I chuckled as I scrolled through them.

"If you need anything, don't hesitate to call us or Sejin. Be good! You can have Chimmy to keep you safe ~" ~Jimin
"Yoonmi! We'll see you on Sunday, so behave! If you get scared at night, you can sleep with Mang or in my bed. We'll send plenty of photos." ~Hoseok
"Don't give Yoongi too much trouble, he's concerned about you; we all are. Be good and use this time to reflect and figure things out. We will be in touch Yoo~" ~Namjoon

"Good luck on the showcase, you better get a video of it to show us or we'll be mad. I wish I could be up there with you. We'll have to perform together soon! Practice! Eat! Sleep! And have fun!" ~Jungkook.

The last text that I got to was from my brother, his was a little longer than the rest of theirs.

"Being 'fine' comes with time. You will never be fully there with all things figured out. Being 'fine' means that you have accepted the way things are and you are doing mentally and physically well. I know the situation isn't the greatest thing in the world, but I can promise you that it will get better and that you'll find your place. Love what you do. Remember to eat, rest, and get your homework done; or else you'll be in big trouble. Keep me updated. We love you and see you on Sunday." ~Yoongi. So he's the one who liked my tweet; he quoted it. I smiled and put my phone away to finish the rest of my day.

After the rest of classes, I left my classroom to go back to the small stage to practice. I peeked inside and saw a couple of student already in there, so I dashed away without being noticed. I guess I could always practice at BigHit? That would be okay right? I've been there plenty of times, so I'm bound to be recognized right? I ran to the bus stop and road the bus until I reached the stop, then I dashed to the building. The security guard actually recognized me and let me inside. I stumbled after going inside and the door shut behind me. I took the elevator to the rooms and picked the smaller room to practice in. I opened the door and saw Sungdeuk inside. He was sitting on the floor by the mirror.

"Come inside." He announced. It startled me, but I entered anyways.

"Hello." I greeted with a bow

"No need to be formal. What are you doing here, shouldn't you be at home or school young one?" He questioned me. I put my bag on the floor and shut the door behind me.
"I wanted to practice for my showcase." I answered. He chuckled.
"What brought you here then? You could have always just used Yoongi's studio?" He pushed on
"I guess this place just stood out to me. It almost feels like home, since I've always come here after school everyday, seen the guys come home late from here, and I even practiced here myself." I explained.
"That's completely understandable. Do you help with dancing?" He asked me while standing up.
"This song, I only had time to learn the actual song, since my original plans got messed up." I said
"Can I hear it?" He asked
"If you really want to." I replied while getting into a comfortable position and grabbing a microphone.

I started to sing, acapella with no music. I belted out the chorus with everything that I had. A little bit into the song, I realized that he was filming. I finished the song and then looked directly at the camera, a couple tears leaving my eyes.

~Yoongi's POV~

After we landed, I felt my phone buzz, it was a text from Sungdeuk? I clicked on it and saw that it was a video, so I plugged my headphones in. The first thing that I saw on my screen was Yoonmi. She was singing her solo. I listened and even found myself moving along to it. She really does have talent. The rest of the members got nosey and we all crowded around my phone. I felt a sense of pride. As soon as the video was over, I pulled on my hat and pulled up my mask to endure the airport. I texted him back.

"I needed this. Thank you-hyung." ~Me to him.

As much as I wanted to be with her right now, I knew that I couldn't. As soon as we were spotted in the airport, cameras started flashing and people started to crowd. Times like this bring me back to myself.

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