Background/ Present Day

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My weeks are usually the same, no real variety.
Monday: School 8-2
Volleyball Practice 2:30-4:30

Work (Chicken) 5-10


Tuesday: School 8-2
Volleyball Practice: 2:30-4:30
Work (Desk) 5-10


Wednesday: Same as Monday
Thursday: Same as Tuesday
Friday: School 8-2
Work (Chicken) 3-10

Saturday and Sunday: Work (Desk) 8-2
Work (Chicken) 3-10

The only time my work schedule changes is if I have a game, then I usually have the day off. My brother 9 times out of 10 can't come to my games because of his schedule or having to work on a new song. I was afraid the last time he came to one of my games. We stayed away from everyone else and couldn't actually see me until afterwards because I'm supposed to stay hidden from the public. He got recognized and then people started to crowd him. We had to meet back at his dorm with the rest of the guys. There waited me a hotpot and lots of hugs. I usually have someone film my games so that I can show them later on. These are the types of things that I do for them.
He calls me often. Before he joined BigHit, he would rap for me and even sing for me at night. After he joined BigHit and BTS, I gained 6 more older brothers. The one that is closest to my age is Jungkook though. They all care for me in their own way. Jin acts like a mother to me. He is always asking if I'm eating right or if I'm doing my schoolwork. Namjoon acts like a dad. He's harsh when it comes to getting rest or going to him if I can't approach Yoongi. Yoongi knows how our parents are, so he tries his best not to act like that, but sometimes he gets carried away. He's my older brother, what do you expect? Jhope is a sense of reason for me. He is goofy on camera, but when the cameras turn off, he likes to give me advice about school and life. He's super chill. Taehyung, Jimin and Jungkook are super fun. We usually get in trouble for causing mischief when we are put together. The rest of the guys already know when we are up to no good. They taught me computer games as well. I don't see them all much, but when I do, I cherish it.

My parents and I used to fight a lot. I've had at least one job for a year. My parents made me get a job so that I could be a support in the house, even though it turned into me doing everything. My dad drinks, but not enough to call him an alcoholic. My mom was never home. When she was home, she'd yell at me a lot. I cried a lot. They never acted this way when Yoongi was here, he would protect me and take me on walks.

What pushed me over the edge with them is that I had hidden a jar in my room as a savings, had around $500 in it, they stole it all. I told my brother about it, thankfully he was overseas or he would have killed someone. He told me that he would replace it, I refused. They kicked me out the day I turned 16. Yoongi knew and he offered for me to stay with him, but I again refused. I would have seen my brother more, but I didn't want to be a burden on them; so I live alone. Yoongi compromised and he said for me to at least let him get me a place to stay and have him pay rent for the first month. I live in a studio apartment. It's really cute with the way I decorated it.
My salaries allow me to pay rent, pay for the bus, my phone bill, and groceries. Any extra money goes into my jar. Thankfully my school uniform and books were already paid off or that would also be a problem. My parents often bug me for money, but I refuse everytime. I would never reveal to them where I live either. At one point, they went to my brother for money. He gave them some, but that was it. He said no more, which he meant. That was super low of them.

I keep a keyboard in the corner as well, just in case I feel like writing something. That's something I got from my brother; my love for music. I've written a couple of things that I've shown to Jin and Namjoon, but I've always been too scared to show them to Yoongi. I know that he's harsh when it come to music. Eventually I will.


"Yoonmi!" My friend shook me
"Huh huh?" I said scared
"Looks like she's falling asleep in class again. How pathetic." Another girl said

I glanced at my best friend, Jaein, and rolled me eyes.

"Don't worry about Yui, she's just mean." Jaein said to me

If you haven't noticed already, I'm not popular in school. Yui has hated me for years.

"I know, but sometimes I just want to punch her." I grumbled
"Is there something you girls want to share with everyone?" My homeroom teacher asked just, clearly annoyed
"No ma'am" We responded with a bow
"Then SHH." She said

I looked back at my book, trying to concentrate. I really had a bad case of sleeping during class. Jaein would always be the one to wake me up.
We met in volleyball during middle school, and we became best friends from there on out. She doesn't know about Yoongi being my brother either. She and everyone else around me is a huge fan of BTS, even Yui.

During break, my phone went off.

"Hey kiddo. How's school going? Let me know when you're free, it would be nice to see you. The others want to as well." ~Yoongi
"Hey! Would today during lunch break work?" ~Me
"Perfect, we'll meet you by the gate." ~Yoongi

These were the days that I waited for.

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