Chapter 1

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[Y/N = your name] [Warning: underage drinking]

Your POV:
I walked into the party and instantly regretted ever coming. Let's just say high school party's aren't my thing. The only reason I agreed to come to this was because my friend was going to be here, and I don't trust her getting home safe by herself. I'm such a good friend am I right ? I scanned around the room for my friend but didn't seem to see her anywhere. I figured she was probably in a different room or out back getting hammered like always. It's really hard being the only one sober at a party, there's no one to have an actual conversation with. Sure you can talk to someone drunk, but you really aren't gonna get anywhere with that conversation. I walked over to the couch and sat down, pulling out my phone, this was going to be a long night.

About 10 minutes in, no joke, a person full on fell on top of me. I looked away from my phone about to flip my shit. They looked up at me, their eyes immediately meeting mine. His green eyes were very glossy, probably from how much he had been drinking. I decided to give the kid a break, plus he seemed familiar to me, I just couldn't recall his name.

"Oops" he laughed not even bothering to try and get up. "Are you okay ?" I asked wondering why he was still laying on me, not that I was complaining or anything, oh my god, shut up Y/N.

"Y-yeah, I'm f-fine I just tripped" he stated clearly struggling as a result of all the alcohol in his system.

"So are you gonna lay here all night or something ?" I questioned still looking down at the boy.

"N-no, sorry i'll get u-up" he said as he closed his eyes. So much for him getting up. I sighed and picked my phone back up. I clearly wasn't going to be able to move for a while, so I might as well stay occupied in the meantime.

[skip to an hour later]

I was still scrolling though instagram trying to pass the time when I got a text from my friend. I opened it.

[Maddie: Sorry I didn't look for you at the party ! Ended up getting busy, don't wait for me, I went home with Allison ! xoxo 💋]

Are you kidding me ? I seriously wasted a whole hour of my life at this party, and for nothing ? I looked down to still see the boy fast asleep. Was I supposed to get up and leave him here ? While I was thinking everything over, I heard a phone start to ring. I couldn't really tell where it was coming from, until a minute later when I heard a phone ringing again.

I noticed that it must have been the boys phone, because the ringing seemed to be rather close, and it wasn't my phone that was going off. Turns out I was right because when I took his phone out of his pocket, I saw that it was in-fact ringing. I decided that it couldn't hurt to answer it, after all it could be one of his friends looking for him.

"Hello ?" I asked as I answered the phone.

"Aidan ?" I heard the person on the other end question. So that was the kid's name. Now I remember. It's Aidan. Aidan Gallagher.

"Oh this is.... a friend of his, he decided to take a nap." I answered. I know that probably sounded really dumb, but what was I supposed to say ?

"Oh okay... well this is his sister, i'm just worried about him getting home okay because none of us are home right now. When he wakes up could you walk him home ? It's totally fine if you can't, it would just put my mind at ease knowing he'll get home safe. I'll text the address to his phone, just in case." I guess Aidan getting drunk wasn't anything new, because she seemed to assume that was the case without me even telling her. [Author's note: I'm aware Aidan doesn't have a sister but for the sake of this fanfic he does]

"Yeah, I was actually going to leave this party soon, so that won't be a problem." I responded. I guess this will be my good deed for the month.

"Thank you so much ! I owe you one" I could tell she really was appreciative. She hung up, and I looked at his phone, reading the address. He lived pretty close to where we were now, only about 3 minutes away. I shut off his phone and decided to put it in my bag, just to be safe.

"Aidan ?" I said lightly shaking him. I'm guessing this didn't have much effect on him, considering he was still laying there asleep. I sighed, this was gonna be a struggle.

[Author's note: Thank you so much for choosing to read this story ! I have lot's of idea's for it so hopefully I can update it regularly. Again, I only write for fun so if you want to read something professional then please leave. I also apologize for any spelling error's because I don't take a lot of time to spell check. Most story's on Wattpad usually have stuff revolving around the girl, where she is depressed, or she has no self confidence, so i'm really excited to reverse the roles in this story, and have the boy going through it instead. I really hope you guy's enjoy and thank you again for reading !!]

I'm a MESS [Aidan gallagher X reader] Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum