The Sinking part 2

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Matthew struggled in the mans grip and tried to escape, the man held both of Matthew's arms behind his back in a tight grip. The Canadian gritted his teeth as he was dragged further into the ship.

"Where are you taking me!" Matthew growled, fear and panic slowly crawled up the blonds spine.

"Somewhere nobody will ever find you." The man said and pushed Matthew through a door of an empty room.

The room looked like it was a regular third class room with only one bed and a chair. Matthew was dragged over to the bed and pushed him down onto the stiff mattress, the Canadian started struggling and shouting.


"Shut up you brat!" The man growled, punching Matthew in the ribs.

Matthew grunted in pain and bit his light pink lips, glaring at the man to the best that he can in his position.

 "When my brother finds you and finds out that you have me, you are going to wish that you have never met me or have even thought of kidnapping me!" Matthew spat.

The man just chuckled before hand cuffing Matthew to the bed and grinned.

"Oh don't worry brat I am doing everyone on this ship a favor. Since the ship is sinking there isn't enough boats for all of the passengers so I'm doing everyone a serves and locking up the ones who don't really need to live."

Matthew froze at his words and then snapped out of panic and fear.

"Who are you and what gives you the right to kill innocent people!!" Matthew snapped, tugging on the cuffs.

"I am Elliot Ward and I don't need any right to kill innocent people I am trying to save people!" Elliot said, puffing his chest out a bit to make him look like he is being a hero.

"By killing others! You are no hero! Your a Hoser who thinks that by killing others is away of saving people! No your nothing but a villain!!.... Idiot..." Matthew snapped, shifting around so he was on his side.

The man growled before beating Matthew.


Alfred, Gilbert, Ivan and Lovino were running down the hallways in the first and second class area's looking for the Canadian. When Lovino had came back trembling and on the brink of rage. Alfred couldn't get the conversation that they had out of his head and the feeling that was rushing through his body.

Lovino rushed up to Alfred, Gilbert and Ivan panting. The Italian grabbed Alfred by the shoulders and clung to him trying to keep himself from snapping at the other passengers around them. Alfred blinked at the Italians sudden behaviour, the two other nations blinked as well.

"Lovino... whats wrong?" Alfred asked.

"Ho intenzione di uccidere il demone che ha rapito Matt!"<I'm going to kill the demon who kidnapped Matt!>

The three blinked at the fuming Italian and suddenly noticed that Matthew wasn't with Lovino. Alfred suddenly felt a sinking feeling deep in his gut and hesitated to ask.

"Lovino... where's Mattie?"

"That.... Demon took him! The one that Matthew had ran into! He took Matt somewhere on this nave stupida!"<stupid ship> Lovino snapped.

They all paled at this. When they had heard the ship hit the iceberg they knew that they didn't have much time left before the ship sinks.

"We have to find him. We check all levels from First class to Third class we leave no room left unchecked!" Gilbert said.

"Da, and if we find the Demon then we kill him, da?" Ivan added.

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