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Chapter 7

Lost I wander through the burning forest, trying to find my way again. The smoke blurred my vision and I felt as if I was going in circles, my weary body coughed and wheezed through every breathe. I fall to my knees as my legs buckled. But out of the smoke came a crow, chasing a blue butterfly. They landed on a stump in front of me, and just looked at each other. The butterfly landed on the crow's beak, and I swear that bird seemed to smile. But the crow was struck down by a snake. The snake grabbed the butterfly and slithered away into the burning forest with it. The crow lay on the ground, looking at me as it panicked to catch its breath. I reached out to the bird to comfort it, when I felt the sudden burst of a bullet piercing my chest.

I wake up in a cold sweat, grasping at my chest, only to feel my old scars from the past Winter. I sit up in bed to compose myself for a moment, wiping the sweat off my brow and relaxing my beating heart. 'Thank God... just a nightmare.' I thought to myself. A nightmare unlike any other I've had before.

It's been several months since I got my scars from the torture. I'm just grateful they're all healed, and I have Ellie to thank for that.

I throw on my ragged shirt and open the window in my so called 'bedroom'. The lush trees with their fresh leaves blew a refreshing Spring breeze across my face, as the birds conversed through their songs.

"It's definitely my favorite season." Ellie said leaning on the door.

"Why's that?" I stared out the window.

"I dunno, everything just comes back to life after a harsh winter. All the flowers show off their colors, and the butterflies run free." She replied smiling. Honestly she was right, plus perfect weather, you can't beat cool Spring days. But still, just because the season changed doesn't mean my problems went away. It's been almost six months and things have only gotten worse. It's funny how life works isn't it? One decision you made in seconds, can have an impact that'll last days, weeks, months, years, and even lifetimes.

"Hey Ellie, why don't you head into camp? I'll be there soon I just have some things to think about." Maybe a little alone time will do me good. But probably not.

"Alright, I'll see you soon?" She asked optimistically. I nodded in reply. I stand waiting to hear the front door shut. Once I knew she was gone, I went to the living room to grabbed my backpack, and started inspecting some of the old mementos I keep with me. First, I hold the five dog tags of my fallen friends in hand, I tried my best to hold back the tears as the memories flooded in. Next was a letter from my parents. They wrote it before I was even born, all it talked about, really, was how excited they were for me to be born and how excited my four year old brother was to see me. I knew little to nothing about my parents, but I miss them... wherever they are. Anyways, the final thing I found was the voice recorder from Jane. She recorded things during the time of my grieving, during all the times she tried helping me and calming me down. This was my first time listening to this specific one, most of what she talked about was just little notes about me. But the quote from her that stuck out to me was when she said, "Don't let grief make you push away the ones that care most." Anybody could have told me that and I wouldn't bat an eye, but coming from Jane, it truly meant something. After some silent reflection I pack up the mementos, throw on my flannel, and head towards the door. I look over at the dining room table where I was tortured, and find my blood stains still on the floor, and the bandage Ellie used to wrap my wounds was still on the table.

"The ones that care the most..." I whispered to myself, putting my hand over my scars. I shake my head to stop myself from thinking, and head into camp, where I find Ellie chatting with Jase over a bowl of delicious smelling stew.

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