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I wake up to bright sunlight shining from the windows and groan, pulling the cover higher to my face. I almost fall back to sleep when I hear knocks on the door. I try to ignore it but it's only getting too much for me, as the knocks only grows louder and louder on the door. Throwing the duvet off me, I hop off from the bed and stomp my way to the door, opening it with hard glare before I meet with Cameron's surprised look. 

"Whoa, I didn't expect to see you this upset and more tired. Have you not get a good sleep, last night? You spent the whole day asleep, yesterday.", tells Cameron. 

I look at her with pursed lips, before shaking my head slowly with a heavy sigh. I soon to leave the door open for her as I walk back to the bed, climbing on it. Laying down to the bed, I just stay in the position a little longer while staring to the wall, aimlessly. I could hear her footsteps in the room, signing that she has enter the room I'm in before I feel her sitting at my bedside close with my feet since I feel it sinking down there. 

"Hey, did something actually happened between you and my brothers? You look rather upset, here.", she asks. 

Sighing, I shake my head slowly to her as I don't even want to think about it, at all. I couldn't sleep at all, yesterday. From the moment I laid on this bed 'til early in the morning, today before I got knockout to my sleep due to the exhaustion that builds inside me. Cameron looks at me with sad smile, nodding slowly before laying next to me, spooning me. I get surprised by her action, but for some reasons, my body accept it more than I expected. Before I know it, I fall into another round of sleep, but far more comfortable. I scoot closer to her figure and curls in her embrace as I enjoy her tight hold on me before my mind slips back into my dreamland. 


When I wake up for the second time, today, I'm not sure what time it is but I'm surprised to see a set of clothes left by the end of my bed with a note on it. Frowning, I slowly pick up the note from the clothes and unfold it, to see writing in it. 

'I have left you some clothes for you to get change into. They were from my high school years. Don't worry, they're mine and I even lend you some clean underwear and bra, knowing that my idiot brothers haven't done any shopping for your lady's. Anyways, sorry for leaving you alone but you look so peacefully in your sleep and I don't want to disturb you, so I just let you sleep a little longer. Mom, Ash and I are out to town for a little errands and if you ever needed anything, Ethan and Grayson are home with you.'

I re-read the note over and over again 'til those words basically stamp inside my head while a smile already stuck on my face. Cameron is definitely going to be a great sister that I'll have, besides Sandy that I loved the most. Putting the note down, I look at the set of clothes that she left for me before deciding to get myself a little productive today, though I've been sleeping almost the whole day away, again. Climbing off the bed, I skip my way to the connected bathroom and spend rather good 30 minutes in there; showering, shaving, brushing my teeth and washing my face with everything I find in there. I think Cameron left it for me to use, as well because mostly it's woman's product and I don't think that Ethan and Grayson ever have the nerve to invades my space as I've requested, yesterday. Once I'm all done, I walk out from the bathroom with a towel wrapped tightly on my naked body and another my head, to dry my hair. I quickly get dress into the clothes that Cameron has left for me and to my surprise, it fits me like a glove. I quickly dry my hair and brush it a little with my hand, since I have no hairbrush in this room before hanging the towels away to dry. Slipping my shoes back, I make sure to fold my dirty clothes neatly and leave them on my bedside's nightstand before leaving the bedroom, to go downstairs and meet Grayson and Ethan. 

Except, I don't know that they're actually in the same floor as I am 'til I'm about to head downstairs when I hear someone calls my name. Looking up, I see Ethan leaning against the railing from the hallway of our beds located before looking at me with cocked brow. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2019 ⏰

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