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I don't know how long I've been sleeping and how long we've been driving, but by the time I wake up, I find myself in a room with Ethan and Grayson, sleeping soundly on the bed I'm at. I'm basically being sandwiched between them, but none of them are suffocating or hurting me. Frowning, I look around the room but it doesn't seems like a bedroom belongs to any of them. The room looks way too simple and too small for what could be their liking. I could hear vehicles driving pass by, making me frowning even more. I check on Grayson and Ethan, one more time before deciding to check on the closest window. I'm not even sure if I should do it, but I can't help with my curiosity. As I carefully carry Ethan's arm off me, I slowly crawl out from the space and head towards the closest window, to have a quick peek. Just as I tiptoes to the wall next to the window, I quickly take a peek behind the curtain and to find us at a motel. 

"Oh okay", I nod to myself. 

Just as I'm about to leave back to the bed, a very tall, burly figure stands right in front of me with bright, glowing, golden-yellow eyes staring right back at me with hardest glare. I couldn't help but stiff at my stand, looking towards figure before I recognize who that really is. 

"E-Ethan?", I call. 

That instantly snaps his attention out. From glaring to me, his gazes soon to change into worried ones before he quickly get to me, swooping me off my feet without even waiting for me to tell him or signing him to carry me. He just love to carry me like little child, I am. He begins press his face into my neck, sniffing my scent for couple times which makes me giggles a little due to the tickles from his light stubble. 

"Ethan, stop. It's ticklish.", I push his face away. 

Holding his face in my hands, I can't help but stares in amazement and adoration. My hands slowly move on his face, feeling everything on his face. His skin feels so smooth against my palm, like baby bum and his nose is just cute. His cute button nose looks nice, but just cute. His eyebrows are just perfectly shape while his dark brown eyes looks rather darker than usual and it's fill with untold emotions, but there I could see happiness and relief. My hands travels more on his face, feeling his chiseled jawlines that feels rather sharp and hard. There, I could feel where the light stubble locates at. Once again, my hands travels on his face 'til reach his full, pink lips before I begin to trace the outline of his lips. His lips looks soft, yet so kissable that I've been longing to kiss them but I never dares to do it. When my hands stop tracing his lips, he begins to place soft kiss on them before looking at me with adoration fills his dark brown eyes. 

"You're up so early.", I speak. 

He frowns at me, before cocking his brow to me. He brings me to the small lounge and plop down to the single-seat couch, placing me down to his laps. I'm basically straddling on him, looking at him with pursed lips. 

"Well, how wouldn't I be when I don't feel you in between us? You were gone and I thought someone had taken you away from us. I thought you were in danger.", he tells. 

Nodding, I form my lips into the shape of an 'O' before grinning at him. Apologizing to him, he soon to let a groan out before rolling his eyes at me, looking at me with bored looks. 

"Why were you up so early, though? Why did you left the bed?", he asks, next. 

Now, it's my turn to purse my lips. My hand starts to trace patterns against his solid, hard, muscular chest while I try my best to avoid any eye-contact with him but how could I stay long, when I always longing to stare into their beautiful, dreamy dark brown eyes. They're sometimes cold and hard, but if you look enough into their eyes, you could see the warmth and gentle gazes behind those hard, intense stare. They're rather beautiful, if I may say so. I don't realize that my trace on his chest, have made his in tense mode before he snaps me out by catching my hand in tight hold. Looking at him in surprised, he has this struggle looks on his face before clenching his jaws hard. 

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