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"Do you ever believe that supernaturals actually exists?", rants Sam. 

Augustus, Jenny and Rocky instantly groans at her same rants that been going on for the past couple of days. I'm not sure what cause her wants to talk about it so much, but something really ticks inside her to talk about it. It seriously makes me wondering a lot. As Sarah about to rants again about the facts she've been repeating to us for the last couple of days, Augustus and Jenny instantly butts in to change the topic of conversation. 

"Hey, are you guys feeling free after school?", ask Jenny, eagerly. 

Frowning bit, Sam, Rocky and I instantly nods to her question which only makes her squeal even more before she smack Augustus' arm, playfully. From being bit upset with the interruption, Sam instantly forgotten about it and choose to listen what our friends about to inform us. 

"How about we go out to the mall, after school? I mean, it's been awhile we last hangout together outside the school's ground.", suggest Augustus. 

That instantly gain them cheers from Rocky and Sam, except for me. I'm not very sure about it, 'cause I think I have plan with my family, this evening. They all look at me with pouts on their faces and pull those 'not-so-cute' sad puppy eyes to me, as if try to pleads at me, to join the hangout. Sighing, I give them my pointed look but they only ignores them and give more of that looks to me. It's kinda bugging me, but at the same time very funny. 

"Fine, but I'll have to go back home, first. I need to check with my Mum about our plan for today 'cause I'm not very sure if I'm able to join, or not. Plus, I can't contact her now 'cause she's at work. You know how busy person she is.", I tell. 

They all groans at first, but nods at the end. Smiling weakly to them, I apologizes to them but they quickly hush me, assures me it's fine. I seriously don't feel convince at all that they aren't feeling annoyed about me, but since they insists that they aren't, I'd better accept it. We eat our foods quietly, for some reason 'til the bell rings rather loudly in the cafeteria signing us that it's time to head to the next class now. There's about half an hour more before the second bell rings, to sign the class is about to starts so we better hurry. My friends and I quickly pick up our trays and send them away to the tray stacks, wash our hands before head out from the cafeteria together. Students rushes out here and there in the hallway, but we just remain calm and walks slowly like there's nothing to care about. We make sure to do quick-stop at our lockers to get books for the next subjects and drop the last subjects' books. 

"I really am sorry about that, guys. Sure, I want to hangout with you guys, more but that's the thing. I'm not very sure about my family's plan for today. I really do hope that there's nothing so that my Mum would let me hangout with you, guys. How about you follow me to my place and we'll go to the mall together with my car?", I try to talk with them, as they've been insanely quiet and it's driving me nuts. 

I don't like how quiet they've become and it seriously makes me feel nothing but even more guilty than I already have. I get no response for the first couple of minutes 'til we all shut our lockers and they turn to look at me with annoyed looks on their faces. 

"On what term should we tell you that we aren't upset with you? We're just a bit sad and hopeful at the same time that we could hangout with you at mall, today.", tell Rocky, truthfully. 

I hums, smiling softly before nods to them before assures them that we might be getting the greenlight, today. Grinning at me, they nods and we soon to head our classes at the other side of the building. We chat for a little on the way to the class, cracking some jokes. It's really nice to see them smiling like this, though I still feel bit guilty at the bottom of my heart. I'm gonna make it up to them, if I can't make it, today. 

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