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I must've been hit by a Petrificus Totalus spell, because I can't move a muscle and I'm slowly falling down.

Right before I hit the ground someone catches me right on time.

'Kai, what did I tell you? Let me handle situations like this, we all know you're gonna harm yourself one day,' a girl with red hair says while making me lean against the wall.

'S-sorry,' a tall boy stutters while walking closer.

The girl in the doorway looks even more pissed when the girl with red hair and the tall boy arrive and crosses her arms.

'Bloodtraitor,' she huffs while looking at the girl with red hair.

'Cruel bitch,' the redhead snarls back.

'Could you dogs fuck off? I don't want any creatures like you near me,' the girl in the doorway says while tilting her head. She looks kind of intimidating like that.

'You could also just crawl back towards you brainless followers that are your so called "friends", Kim,' the redhead says while putting a hand on her hip.

'We all know that the only friend that you have is that loser over there who can't even produce a simple reparing spell, Jeon.'

I see how the tall boy looks down at her words, hurt by it. I feel bad for him, he looks like a nice guy.

'Don't you dare, Kim. He might not be the best at performing spells, but he'll always be more loved then you're ever going to be in your entire life,' the redhead says, her eyes narrowing.

She turns towards me, and whispers a spell under her breath. Immedietly I can move my body again and I'm glad. She gestures for me to follow, and I quickly pick all the stuff up that I dropped and follow her and the tall boy.

'I really wanna scratch her eyes out sometimes,' the redhead grits trough her teeth once the girl in the doorway can't hear us anymore.

'Who is she?' I ask.

'That's Jennie Kim. The school's main bitch and queen bee. Slytherin,' she says.

'Ah, okay,' I say, not knowing how I should react to that. I make a mentaal note to stay the hell away from Jennie Kim.

I don't wanna cross her path again.

'So, what's your name?' asks the tall boy.

'I'm Park Jimin. I was a Ravenclaw in my first and second year. My father got a job in France after that so I moved there for 2 years and attended Beaubatons. And now I'm back I guess,' I shrug.

'That's so cool! What's it like there?' asks the red head.

'It had it's perks, but I knew I didn't belong there. It was also very strict, and the food was awful. They almost starved you to look "perfect".'

'That sounds bad. I'm glad you're back, even though I've never seen you in those two years that you attended Hogwarts,' says the tall boy.

'Yeah, I was pretty invisible. Didn't talk to anybody. I don't think I can remember any names of the people I shared a room with. Or even people from the different houses. I only remember the teacher's names,' I say, and I just realised how bad that sounded. Where was I in those two years?

'Oh, that's okay! If you don't know anybody, and nobody knows you, that means you have a fresh start as an almost new student!' the red head exclaims happily.

I giggle. Maybe it's not that bad.

Suddenly the red head and the tall boy stop walking and I almost bump into them. I look at them confused and they laugh.

'This is our compartment. Get in,' the red head smiles.

'Thank you,' I smile and my eyes turn into cresent moons. I hear the tall boy coo as I walk past him.

In the compartment I see a boy with wild black hair, glasses and a scar on his forehead staring out of the window and a girl with long blonde hair reading a magazine, which is upside down now that I look closely.

'Hoseok! Byul! I want you guys to meet someone!' the red head smiles.

The boy with the wild black hair turns his head towards me and looks me up and down, judging me. I feel flustered under his stare

But then he smiles brightly. 'Hi, I'm Jung Hoseok! What's your name?'

'Park Jimin,' I smile back, immediately feeling relaxed the moment I saw his smile.

Hoseok looks towards the girl with the blonde hair, as if to silently push her to say something.

She slowly looks up, and I see she's wearing weird kind of glasses, which look kind of funny.

'I'm Moon Byul,' she says dreamily, as if she's telling me a story about a princess who could walk on clouds.

'Nice to meet you,' I say.

She only nods and continues reading in her magazine which is still upside down.

The boy with black hair motions for me to sit next to him, and I quickly put my bagage away.

The red head sits on the other side of me, and the tall boy sits next to Byul.

But then I realise, what on earth are their names?

'I'm so sorry, but I don't think you ever told me your names,' I say while looking at the red head and the tall boy.

The tall boy gasps. 'How dumb! I'm Kai, and this is Rose,' he says while pointing at the red head.

'Nice to meet you.'

Then the compartment door opens, and reveals two people.

Both have bright red hair, like Rose.

One is much taller than the other one.

And only one attracts me a lot.

Rose groans. 'Jimin, these are my annoying ass brothers. Meet Yoongi,' she says while pointing at the shorter one, 'and Jungkook,' she says while pointing at the taller one.

At that moment I make eye contact with him.

If anything, I'm sure as hell I look like a tomato at this point.

I'm screwed.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2019 ⏰

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