I'll Wait For You - Chapter 33 (Important AN too)

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The writing's super bad on this but it's cute and it's almost 11pm so I consider myself excused.
Also since most of you want smut, what kinks do you wanna have in? Nothing super kinky like bondage please cus it'll be their first time only (and in my opinion the first time should always be heartfelt and just show your love- oops my demisexual is showing sorry) but maybe a small... Idk daddy kink or something? Leave suggestions!
Dan's PoV

Sounds we're playing from the tv,  but we paid them no mind as Phil and I were talking on the sofa, me cuddled into his chest. I never liked being tall, so I'm quite enjoying being small right now.

"What are we, Dan?" The question caught me off guard after the few minutes we spent in a comfortable silence, just enjoying each other's presence.

"I-I don't know, Philly..." I admit, shy at the new conversation. "D-o you wanna be b-bo-yfriends?"

"Bub, as much as I'd love that, I have a feeling you're not ready." He paused, and while he thought my heart swelled with overwhelming appreciation. "You just got out of a...Well, I wouldn't say completely toxic, but still not a healthy relationship. You'll need some time to collect your thoughts and just get yourself together again. I'll wait for you, baby."

I attacked him in a crushing embrace, which he just managed to reciprocate before chuckling. "Thank you, Philly! You're so kind and considerate and amazing- god, I don't deserve you. B-But are you sure? I don't want-"

"Shh, it's ok, baby. I'll wait for you as long as it takes. I respect you, sweetheart, and I understand you only need support right now, not a huge commitment." ((I'm having so much fun writing this it's so cute and I'm probably making typos and it's half 10 and I'm a lil bit sleepy BUT IM ENJOYING THIS TOO MICH))

"Thank you... I can't say it enough..."

"It's fine, sweetheart." We spent a few more moments quiet, Phil watching the anime on the tv that I'd forgotten was playing. My eyes were droopy and I felt like I could fall asleep like a baby, despite it being early (for my standards).

"Phil, I'm going to bed, if that's ok?" I slurred yawing and wiping my eyes as I begin to shuffle out of his secure hold, missing the warmth as I finally did. "Come with, please?"

"Are you sure, Dan? I can sleep-"

"Please Phil?" I pouted, trying my hardest to look adorable, despite being so tall. It seemed to work as Phil's (admittedly weak to begin with) resolve crumbled beneath my pleading gaze.

"Ok ba- Dan." He walked me to the bed slowly ((This sounds like it's about to get smutty oops. Not yet, frenz)) and took time in gently laying me down, along with some of my cooperation since I felt like I was being too much of an inconvenience.

"Thank you, Philly. Night." I murmured as his back pressed against mine (we'd talked about our favourite sleeping positions earlier, and I mentioned how much I liked being a little spoon - there was just something so comforting and protecting about it. Phil had no problem with this because he said he liked being a big spoon anyways, after I repeatedly asked if that was ok).

"Night sweetheart."

And so I drifted off, much quicker than I remembered doing in the past - sure, Connor was great at sex and always loved to spoon me, but his hands always rested on more... Suggestive areas. At the time, I brushed it off as being protective, which is partially true, but now I realise it may have been a way to get me to wake up with morning wood. It explains so much, now that I think about it. I much prefer Phil's innocent and delicate touches, it just made me feel so cherished, so warm and so content.

I think- no, I know - Phil will be a much better boyfriend.

Sorry it's so short but I have to get up early tomorrow and I should probably attempt to sleep. Plus I think it was a good place to end it.
Sorry for the filler, but don't worry, some major plot is coming soon ;) I just figured I should finally give you a break from all the angst.
This chapter's based off of this which I found on tumblr and will live my life by religiously.

This chapter's based off of this which I found on tumblr and will live my life by religiously

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