One-night Stand? - Chapter 9

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Prepare for angst lads. (Past me stop) Also, TWO UPDATES IN ONE DAY? I don't know who I am anymore.

Dan's POV

Music bursts so loudly from the speakers that I swear I can feel the vibrations rattling my bones. I still have no idea why people like Josh find this stuff entertaining.


Ah, yes, this is why. I pick up the ((insert super gay drink here. What? I'm 14 shut up)) and start to drink it. The (extremely hot) bartender then slides Josh his drink after I give him a thankful smile and a nod. Josh, however, just snatched up his shot glass and chugs the entire thing after 2 seconds. There are 2 types of people in this world.

The bartender stands behind the bar talking to Josh, and I know josh well enough that he isn't gonna be satisfied if he doesn't have this guys mouth on him soon ((I meant that innocently! Well, as innocent as making out gets anyways)). Needless to say, I got out of there as soon as humanly possible.

The heat of the confined air combined with the little alcohol I'd already had was intoxicating, and I wasn't even halfway through my glass.

I hate clubs, but at least the drinks are good. I start to zone out, figuring if I couldn't be somewhere else physically, I could at least mentally. I bring my phone out of my pocket as I continue sipping my drink, absentmindedly going to Phil and I's messages. I already know I'm going to regret this horribly, but why not?

Danisgettingbetter changed their name to Sedydunyl

Sedydunyl: HELLO BISHEZ | Sent

UGH: Dan are you drunk | Sent

Sedydunyl: Noooo in mot. | Sent
Heheheehehh ehhenehe | Sent
I've only had won glasssss | Sent

UGH: Do you mean a shot? | Sent

Sedydunyl: Noooooo | Sent
A glass of vodqiule | Sent
Do yo like my nameeeeee? | Sent

UGH: Is- Is that supposed to be SexyDaniel? | Sent
Jesus Christ you are hammered. | Sent

Sedydunyl: Can yoy send me a picture?? | Sent

UGH: I dunno if I trust this right now but sure? | Sent
I dyed my fringe blue btw | Sent

UGH: I dunno if I trust this right now but sure? | SentI dyed my fringe blue btw | Sent

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Sedydunyl: So hot | Sent

UGH: You're drunk dan. | Sent
Unfortunately | Sent

UGH has deleted one message

Sedydunyl: When in sober Id tell yo the sae m thing | Sent
Now ihav courage I'm telling you whil I cna. | Sent
I loooove youuuu | Sent

UGH: This hurts... How I wish drunk words were sober thoughts | Draft
Draft deleted
Go home dan | Sent

Sedydunyl: Ooh another hot guys cumming to talk to me | Sent
I'm gonna looose my male virgi nt! | Sent
I'd raher itbe yo tbg | Sent
But his goon edough | Sent
Bi fhil | Sent

UGH: This is stupid how am I crying over someone I can never even meet? | Draft
Whatever | Draft

The morning after—Dan's POV—

I opened my eyes to see my familiar walls and bedsheets, but my vision was foggy and my head felt like it was constantly being compressed into a tiny cube. My butt was aching, too!
(( ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ))
From what I could tell, the duvet cover was messy and my clothes were thrown off, onto the floor. What the hell happened last night?

On my nightstand was a glass of water and half-used packet of painkillers. Were these here last night?

Just then, the smell of eggs became apparent to me, the smell breaking me from my terrible habit of overanalysing everything. Wait, eggs?

I threw on a dressing gown and rushed to my kitchen, where a familiar looking man stood, frying bacon.

He was shorter than me (not by much) though he looked like he could bench press the hulk! He wore a black jumper and black ripped jeans, his black hair styled into a quiff ((Guess Dan has a type, eh?)) and green eyes, like the leaves of a lush forest. ((This is so hard to do urgh why am I demisexual?))

"Oh! Morning, Dan! You feeling better? You were completely hammered last night," I just stared. What type of one-night stand cooks breakfast? I mean, great, but still? "Dan?"

"O-Oh, uh, yeah, I feel great!" He spent a moment looking at me before a splash of realisation crossed his sculpted features,

"You don't remember, do you?" I looked to the floor in shame and nodded. Unexpectedly, he chuckled and shook his head with a playful smirk. "Dan, it's fine! You were so out of it last night I don't know how you're not still drunk! Now, let me explain what happened."

I nodded and we sat at the dining table I never use. "Right, so when I met you last night you were already pretty drunk. I offered to buy you a drink and we just hit it off. When it got to about 11pm you wanted to go home, but you were too drunk so I suggested I give you a lift. You agreed, I helped you into the apartment and put you in bed, but you dragged me down and started kissing me and... Well, yeah."

"O-Oh s-sorry..."

"It's fine, honestly, you were great." I twiddled with my thumbs, anything to avoid his gaze.

"That's not the end of the story, though, because after... Y'know, we cuddled for a bit and you asked me to be your boyfriend." Immediately, my head snapped up. I HAVE A BOYFRIEND?

"I said no, because I thought you wanted to get to know me a little bit first, and I wanted to make sure to ask you when you were sober."

"Oh! Uh, well thank you."

"You're welcome, I'm not going to pressure you into anything because, at this point, I'd be surprised if you remember my name. My name is Connor, ((THE ANDROID SENT BY CYBERLIFE. I wish I could play DBH...)) I'm a security guard at a bank." This guys actually really sweet! But... Is he as sweet as Phil? ((Weeeeeeelll...))

"Daniel Howell, but you probably already know that..."

"So, Dan, tell me ((Just accidentally typed avocado. GUACAMOLE, GUA-GUACAMOLE! I just ruined this fic...)) about yourself!"

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