Diversion - Chapter 4

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TW: Death
----Phil's POV----

The room was almost freezing, judging by the way Freya and Virgil shivered in their seats, gaze constantly flickering from me to the map littered with annotations in red and black ink, marking out the streets we could take and security. Goosebumps riddled both of their arms, Virgil crossing his while Freya was just distracting herself by rambling on. Though, if you asked me, the room was rather temperate for London housing standards, especially so late into the night.

"So, what's the plan?"

"Sir, you just tried to plan a heist, which failed, and the police are going to be on high alert. Are you absolutely sure you want to do this?" I glared her down with icy eyes, warning her to watch what she says and to not question. She gulped, clearly getting the unsaid message.

"Yes, because we're going to a different part of London. You see, dear Freya, the corner store incident was merely a decoy, it just so happens Chris and Mark couldn't escape the building in time. The cops won't suspect to have 2 attempts in a single day, especially not back to back. I already have the units deployed with the equipment." I got up from my chair, circling Freya and Virgil. "I've some inside men on the scene, and I know what time break is. We have uniforms, the key combinations, an efficient armory... I'll be going there myself. " I slam my fist on the table smirking when they jump at the sudden noise. "Virgil, you've been awfully quiet as of late, tell me, what's on your mind?"

"Nothing, sir! I think it's a great plan!" He struggles to keep his voice steady. He does rather well, to be honest. Too bad I can see right through him.

"Wonderful. Freya?" She simply nods. "Use your words!" I snarl, still standing tall above them both.

"It sounds efficient, sir!" I nod in approval.

"Now, buzz off. Go finalise the plan. If this one somehow fails, I'll assure that you will wish you never missed those finals." I speak slowly, voice deepening as my words become more venomous. As soon as I dismiss them, they scurry away like cockroaches.

When the door shuts, I sigh and preparing.

----Dan's POV----

Damn, I completely forgot I need to call the bank. I was going to leave the apartment and actually go but there's no way that's happening now.

Giving in with a sigh, I, albeit reluctantly, grab my phone. Time to argue with receptionists for half an hour.

I, no joke, waited for hours - no response.

Oh whatever, I'll just call my best friend, Georgia.

Calling Georgie Shore
Call accepted

"Hiya, Georgie!" I snicker, doing my best Pennywise impression.

"Dan! How many times have I told you not to call me that?" She snapped.

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the best today!" I chuckled. "What's up, then?"

"Urgh, I've been waiting in this line for hours!"

"I highly doubt that. Besides, where even are you?"

"I'm at the bank. I need to get my pounds changed to dollars for vidcon." ((You know where this is going))

"Oh, right! I should probably do that soon, as well."

"Come right now! I'm so bo-" She was cut off by screams in the background, loud ones, at that. They seemed to be coming from multiple people, and soon Georgia joined them.

"Georgia? Georgia, what's wrong? What's happening?" Before I finished, gunshots started echoing. "Georgia?!" I yelled, terrified for my best friend.

"Dan, if I don't live to tell you this again, I love you." ((She means that platonically. They aren't dating.))

"Georgia?! Georgia are you-"

Call ended.


AN: So we're 4 parts in and I'm already killing of characters. Yup. Oops?

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