lucy & grace

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hello friends!

thank you so much for reading sealed with a kiss! this is the first writing project i have ever completed so it's kind of a huge deal for me (i've never gotten more than 2 or 3 chapters into any story before i get bored, so writing and completing a 50k+ story is a big achievement for me)

a few of you have been saying that you want to read other stories by me and i have good news! i am working on a new story right now called "Lucy & Grace" and it's just as gay and as sappy as sealed with a kiss was. it won't feature mia or cassie i'm afraid, but keep your eyes peeled for other familiar characters... 👀, and it will feature brand new characters that i'm very excited for you meet. 

the story is available for you to save on my profile, but if you want a little taster, then here's a little sneak peak of what's to come.


Lucy Forman had been getting the number 42 bus every weekday for the past 2 years. The tall girl with silky long black hair and pale skin had also got the same bus, at the same time as Lucy for the past 2 years.

Lucy Forman did most definitely not have a crush on said girl with beautiful deep brown eyes and a nose that was always buried in a different book every time she got on the bus. Absolutely not.

Lucy Forman was too focused on her studies to be crushing on anyone. Certainly not the girl on the bus. The girl she could barely tear her eyes away from whenever she saw her. The girl who made her heart skip and her stomach flutter at the mere thought of her. Absolutely not.

Lucy knew nothing about her. She was too shy to ever pluck up the courage to speak to her. She wished she was. She wished she could smile prettily and ask if she could sit next to her, ask what she was reading, ask if it was any good. She wished she had the confidence.

Lucy Forman did not have the confidence.

But Grace Sato did.


once again, thank you so much for all of the support for this story, it's been very overwhelming seeing so many people enjoying the story i wrote so thank u!

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