january 19th - cassie

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hey yall! surprise! here's some bonus content for sealed with a kiss! im well into writing my next story for here as its camp nanowrimo and im really knuckling down to get some writing done, and i wrote this as break from the main project im working on, as this is one of my favourite scenes from the story so enjoy!


It was cold outside, as you would expect on an early January morning, but Cassie welcomed it, the chill waking her up and getting her blood pumping. She set off at a steady jog, letting only the sound of her feet hitting the ground and the birds in the trees surrounding the school fill her ears. She watched her breath coming out in little puffs in front of her as she ran, her long strides eating up the ground below her easily.

Half an hour later the sun was peeking up over the treetops and Cassie had finished running her circuit around the school grounds, and she began walking to cool down and stretch her legs. As she did, she ended up near the girls' locker room. The door swung open, and out stepped Arisa Sato, the scrum half for the girls' team. She was tall which was unusual for scrum half players, but she made up for it in speed, and was the only person on the team that was quicker than Cassie was. She waved at Cassie when she noticed her.

"Hey there Frost. You're up early."

"I could say the same for you Sato. I thought you hated mornings." Cassie replied, trying not to sound too out of breath. Arisa wrinkled her nose at that.

"Oh no you're right, I absolutely hate mornings, but I couldn't sleep at all last night, so I thought I'd blow off some steam and anxiety instead of lying in bed doing nothing." She gestured to the large gym bag slung over her shoulder. "Nothing like a bit of early morning boxing to get your blood pumping." She smiled good naturedly at Cassie. "Come on, let's go and get some breakfast before the rest of the team gets here."

They walked to the dining hall in comfortable silence. Even though the sun had risen, it was still cold, and Cassie found herself shivering a bit in her t-shirt and leggings. The dining hall wasn't much warmer, but it was warm enough, and Cassie subconsciously gravitated to the large radiators on the walls. The dining hall was almost empty, as it was Saturday morning, and very few students had willed themselves out of bed yet. Arisa and Cassie grabbed some food and sat down at a table, inhaling their food like they hadn't eaten in days. Once they had finished, Arisa put her fork down and looked at Cassie, her gaze strong. Cassie recognised this look immediately; Arisa wanted to know something.

"So, you're dating the head girl, right?" Unfortunately, Cassie was in the process of finishing off her glass of orange juice and nearly sprayed it all over Arisa. Arisa didn't bat an eyelid and instead just handed her a napkin. Cassie furiously racked her brains trying to think of an acceptable answer, remembering that Mia had wanted to keep their (fake) relationship a secret until next week.

"Uh, maybe?" She eventually replied. Arisa gave her an incredulous look and raised an eyebrow.

"How can you be 'maybe' dating the head girl? It's a yes or no question Frost."

Cassie thought for a moment. While she had agreed with Mia that they wouldn't tell anyone else about the fact their relationship was going to be fake, Cassie also realised that Arisa was not going to believe her if she tried to lie to her. Arisa had a way of knowing if you were lying or not. She sighed in defeat.

"Fine, okay we're not actually dating, but we're going to pretend to be, to help her get back at her ex-boyfriend." Cassie said, lowering her voice, despite the lack of people in the hall, just in case.

"That's... not what I expected you to say to be honest." Arisa said, blinking to process what she had said. "Wait, what boyfriend? I didn't think she was dating anyone." It was Cassie's turn to look at Arisa with a raised eyebrow.

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