Reading problem

381 6 1

Requested by @Kittymasterofall14
Age: 5-6

The morning in the lair came around.

4 little 5 1/2 year old turtles sat in a circle around their father. Everyday, after training, they have classes with Splinter as their teacher cause why not.

"What are we learning, Sensei" Leonardo asked while looking at his father.

"We are going to be reading today, my sons" Splinter answered.

The older two know somewhat since they have ABC all over again and match words together, Donnie knows more since he likes to learn ahead of his brothers, Mikey doesn't know anything. He prefers listening better since he likes it when they read to him, he likes it more from Splinter and maybe soon Leo.

"What book, sensei?" Donnie asks.

"We will be reading 'The 3 three little pigs'" Splinter answered.

He gives the books to his sons and opens the book to the first page.

"Now who starts?" He asks and Donnie quickly raises his hand.

That sneaky little turtle.

"You may start, Donatello" Splinter said.

"Once upon a time there was an old mother pig who had three little pigs and not enough food to feed them. So when they were old enough, she sent them out into the world to seek their fortunes." Donnie read.
"The first little pig was very lazy. He didn't want to work at all and he built his house out of straw. The second little pig worked a little bit harder but he was somewhat lazy too and he built his house out of sticks. Then, they sang and danced and played together the rest of the day."

"Terrific Donatello. Leonardo you may keep going" Splinter said and Leo nodded.

"The third little pig worked hard all day and built his house with bricks. It was a sturdy house complete with a fine fireplace and chimney. It looked like it could withstand the strongest winds."

"Excellent, Leonardo. Raphael, you may start" Splinter said as he looked at his second oldest.

" The next day, a wolf happened to pass by the lane where the three little pigs lived; and he saw the straw house, and he smelled the pig inside. He thought the pig would make a mighty fine meal and his mouth began to water.
So he knocked on the door and said:Little pig! Little pig! Let me in!" Raph finishes reading.

"Very good, Raphael. Michelangelo" Splinter said and looked at his youngest child.

Mikey looked at the book and couldn't be able to understand it.

"Michelangelo. Start reading, please" Splinter said.

Mikey still can't understand it. He quickly runs to his room.

Everyone looks where Mikey ran, not knowing why he ran off.

"My sons, go to the living room. I'll talk to your brother" Splinter said to the worried brothers.

The boys nodded and walk out of the dojo to the living room.

Splinter walk towards Michelangelo's room but stopped when he heard crying inside.

He goes inside and sees Mikey crying in his bed but looks up after hearing the door open.

"Hi, daddy" The young turtle said sadly.

"What happened back there?" Splinter asked.

"I couldn't read, daddy. I just couldn't" Mikey answered.

"You were only learning, my son" Splinter said.

"It's too hard" The little turtle said.

Splinter decided to help out his son with his reading by having him connect words.

"Now. Can you be able to read the title?" Splinter said after helping Mikey connect words.

"T-three L-Li-ttle p-pig. Three little pigs" Mikey read and his eyes widened.

"I did it, daddy! I did it!" He yelled happily.

Splinter smiled and laugh as his son hugs him.

"I am glad. Now, I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll tickle you" Splinter said as he started tickling his youngest son.

Mikey laugh as his father tickle him

He can read! Little Michelangelo can read!

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