New pet

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Requested by @That_annoying_kid
Age: 5
It was the day that Splinter has waited for his sons: their 5th mutation day.
The turtles are turning 5 years old. It seems like yesterday.
For today, it's time to celebrate.

He stood up and walked to his sons rooms to see them still asleep.
A smile never left his face as he watches his sons sleep with innocence. Splinter heard moving from his son's bed and saw little Leonardo waking up.

"Good morning, my son. Happy mutation day" Splinter said and Leo's eyes widen at the fact that it's their mutation day.

"Wake up, guys. It's mutation day!" Leo Yelp waking up Raph and Donnie.

Splinter chuckled and notice that Mikey hasn't woken up yet.
He goes to Mikey's side and gently shakes him.

"Wake up, my son. It's mutation day" Splinter said as Mikey slowly wakes up. He may wake up last but the little turtle always have extra energy.
Now that all his sons are awake, it's time to start the day. The family enter the kitchen where it shows some Algae and worms on plate.
The turtles and Sensei sat down in their seats and start eating their breakfast. The kids talk excitedly due to the fact that it's their 5th mutation day.

After breakfast, the turtles quickly run to the living area and turn on the TV. Splinter goes to his room and grab 3 present in wrapping and a box that he had just close. He took the presents to the living area and sees Leonardo and Michelangelo watching TV together, Donatello reading a book and Raphael 'reading' a comic book.

"My sons. Look what i have for you" Splinter said as is sons turn to see the present. They all lined up in front of Splinter as he gives them one by one their presents.
Raph notice how his present is only a box while his brothers got their presents wrap. The turtles open their presents and got very excited.

Leo got a new space heroes Captain Ryan action figure.

Donnie got a new science book, he is going to start reading later.

Mikey got a new coloring page with color pencils.

What makes Sensei smile was Raphael's face. The second oldest has a face of shock-surprise. He slowly pick up a small turtle. Raph hug the turtle close and at sensei.

"Thank you, dad" Raph said. The other turtles said their thank you to their father
(in Mikey's case, papa)

"You are welcome, my sons" He look at Raph and asked "What will you name the turtle, Raphael?"

Raph look at the turtle and said


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