"Ooh! What a nice name!" She exclaimed, looking at Adrian, who was busy playing Pokémon Go on his phone.

I nudged him, signaling him to introduce himself.

"What?" He looked up, eyes wide. Noticing that Mrs. Gastrell was staring at him, he shoved his phone in his pocket and instantly transformed into a gentleman.

"Hello, Mrs. Gastrell," He said, extending his hand towards her. "I'm Adrian..." He smiled, as  Madelyn's mom took his hand in hers.
"... Aeliana's brother,"

I was staring at Mrs. Gastrell intently, waiting for her reaction. Her eyes widened as blood rushes to her cheeks. "Brother?"

"Yes, Mrs. Gastrell," Adrian looked confused.

"I'm so sorry, Aeliana dear!"

I broke into a fit of laughter. Adrian was standing there in utter confusion. Seeing his face made me laugh harder. I punched his arm while leaning on his shoulder.

Mr. Gastrell's phone started ringing. "Hello?" His face lit up. "She's here,"

I forced myself to stop mentally screaming. Adrian still didn't give a flying shit.

"There she is!" I yelled, pointing at the short figure walking towards us. "MADELYNNNN!" i ran towards her, screaming.

Madelyn dropped her bags and ran towards me. I wrapped my arms around her waist and gave her a bone crushing hug. "OMG Aelianaaaa!" she started crying. "I missed you so much!"

"Well darling, the feeling was mutual!"

"Mom!" Madelyn ran towards her parents.

Adrian stood next to me awkwardly. "What was that eyebrow wiggling between you and Mrs. Gastrell about?"

"What!?" I chuckled.

He stared at me blankly, waiting for my answer. "She thought you were my boyfriend!"

"What!?" Adrian broke into a fit of laughter. "Ew!" he continued to laugh like a maniac. "She's probably the first person who failed to see the resemblence,"

"No she isn't!" I laughed.

"What!?" Adrian raised an eyebrow.

"Nothing," I grinned at him, trying to avoid answering the question.

"Aeliana, dear," Mrs. Gastrell kept a hand on my shoulder. "Take good care of Madelyn,"

"Mom!" Madelyn giggled. "We promise to take care of each other. Right Li?"

"Yes!" I assured Mrs. Gastrell.

"Mom, I lived alone in Canada for two whole years," Madelyn pointed out. "this is nothing when compared to that,"

"Don't worry, Mrs. Gastrell. I'll be keeping an eye on them anyways," Adrian butted in.

"Oh! Is that so?" Mrs. Gastrell seemed highly satisfied by the fact that the self-appointed bodyguard will be keeping an eye on her daughter.

"Adrian will be moving into the neighboring building," I tried to make things clear.

"You didn't tell me about this," Madelyn furrowed her eyebrows.

"Trust me, you didn't wanna know this sooner," I rolled my eyes.

Adrian flashed a satisfied grin.

I hate you...


We arrived at home and got ready for bed. Everything's ready for tomorrow. Words cannot explain how excited I am to move into an apartment with my best friend.

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