Chapter 7 | Aaron

Start from the beginning

"Aaron, unfortunately your mom isn't as good as she acts. Even uncle Joe. They left you after all—"

  A knock on the door cut off David's words and Aaron's musings. David set the comb down with a confused frown and walked over to the foyer, and Aaron followed quietly behind. Aaron wanted to think that maybe this was his mom, maybe she'd come now and she'd take him back. But he was used to let downs and he was tired of the heartaches which followed them. So, he made himself believe it was a neighbor, mailman, anyone other than whom he wanted.

  But at the doorstep stood Joe, flesh and bones and a worried expression that'd become so familiar. A few days after he'd given David his son and supposedly flown back to his family. David blinked unsurely. Aaron tried to make sure he wasn't dreaming, or at least not having a nightmare because dreams were nice and what he saw in his sleep was all but. 

"Joe? The hell are you doing here? Didn't you travel?"

"No. Where's Aaron?" Joe pursed his lips in way that was mockingly apologetic. He stepped in then, shoving past David towards Aaron.

  No one saw it but Aaron discreetly pinched himself just to be sure. Reality. "Uncle Joe!" He skipped forwards and threw himself against his front. He looked up at him, the same way he had the day Jannette and Joe took him, just a little before they'd tried to get him into the car. Joe smiled at him. "Where's mom?"

  This had Joe's smile dropping. She hadn't fixed anything yet. And he wasn't even sure of how much he could do. "She's not here, Aaron. She's still trying to get her stuff together. She's in lots of trouble right now."

"Don't lie to the child, Joe," David interrupted. "Tell him that she doesn't know how to be a good parent. Tell him that she wanted to get rid of him."

  Joe would defend his sister but he had more important things to do. He crouched down until he was leveled with Aaron's face, then leant closer towards his ear. "Did he hurt you when I left?" he whispered. "Tell me if he did."

"No." Aaron shook his head. Joe felt that it was robotic, like a reaction he'd been taught to perform when asked a question. Like words he'd been spoon-fed and forced to project. He could be tripping but suddenly he imagined Aaron's skin battered and raw underneath his clothes.

"Come with me a little bit," Joe said as he held Aaron's hand and guided him towards the bedroom, but David stopped him halfway through. Joe pulled away from him and narrowed his eyes. "I'm gonna check if he has bruises. I swear if I find a single mark on him..."

"You won't. I didn't touch him. And you owe me an explanation. I still don't know why you're here."

  Joe stared longer before finally moving into the room and closing the door behind. Aaron didn't quite have the chance to question before he felt his hoodie getting yanked over his head and thrown over onto the bed. His hair flopped back onto his forehead, just about poking his eyes. Joe pushed the bang aside for him.

"Uncle Joe," Aaron whined, instinctively crossing an arm over his abdomen. The air was frigid against his bare skin and he desperately wanted his clothes back on. He wanted warmth, but it didn't seem like he was going to get that in any sense. Not the warmth of his hoodie, not the warmth of his mom.

  Joe didn't even hear him. He carefully eyed his torso, caught his shoulder and peeked down his arms. Turned him and inspected every inch of skin, from his neck to the dimples down by his pelvis. He didn't know if he was paranoid at this point or what but he couldn't help put move his finger along the skin too, just to make sure that David hadn't smattered powder on to conceal a bruise, that there was no spot he'd touch and have Aaron flinching or squeaking.

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