"Much to your disagreement?"

"How could I ever disagree with you, my King?"

"By the Gods..." Ubbe mumbled and Ivar clenched his jaw.


You lowered the cup to put it on the table,

"Yes, my King?"

"So you say my satisfaction is much of an importance to you?"

"Me and the rest of the Kattegat."

"Then I command you to use my name."

You arched a brow,

"Well then I command you not to command me."

"I sincerely hope that people of Kattegat never realize the fact that they're being ruled by two immature children." Ubbe cut Ivar off before he could even say anything, "Because we're all going to die if that happens."

"You can't command over my command, I'm the King."

"And I'm the Queen, isn't that quite the impasse?"

"Yeah, we're all going to die," Ubbe stated, "And then a random earl will come here and start ruling here."

"You're really testing my patience, Y/N."

"Oh I have been wondering how your patience looked like, Ivar. Seeing that I've never met it."

"You actually-"

"Or a king. We killed so many of them but I'm pretty sure there are still kings who want to rule here. Ivar, what's king Harald doing nowadays?"

"I would not know, Ubbe. If you want to find a person who has betrayed me, Hvitserk is closer."

Ubbe rolled his eyes at Ivar, who turned to smirk at you.

"Or let's ask Y/N. Where's my brother, hm?"

"He was with a girl in an empty corridor just now, my king." You said calmly, "I wouldn't be expecting him anytime soon."

Ivar's eyes searched your face, as if he was trying to see whether you were telling the truth or not while Ubbe mumbled something under his breath, then shook his head.


"Are you really surprised?" Ivar spat, then sipped his drink before he turned to you, "I surely hope you weren't disappointed."

"I'm going to go and collect our brother, excuse me." Ubbe said before he walked away and you pushed your food around your plate, not hungry at all as a man came closer to mumble something into Ivar's ear.

"The physician will see you in the room over there, Gala can take you." Ivar's voice snapped you out of your thoughts and you made a face, looking down at your bandaged hand silently.


Ivar nodded, "She can wait until you're finished with your breakfast."

"I'm afraid I lost my appetite." You pushed at your plate and Ivar looked down at his plate before lowering his fork but you shook your head.

"You'll be relieved to hear your presence is not required, my king."

Ivar pulled his brows together, "You don't want me with you?"

"I don't wish to...get into an argument in front of strangers. Ubbe, I can accept but anyone else, it'd raise questions."

"What questions?" Ivar asked, his voice full of bitterness, "We're madly in love, are we not? Anyone could see that."

Faint Of Heart [Ivar x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now