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[VLØGSPACΞ] i realized something during editing : perth is whipped98,974 Views👍 2

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[VLØGSPACΞ] i realized something during editing : perth is whipped
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👤 Earth's Gravity               ▶️ SUBSCRIBE
3K subscribers

"Okay, breaking news, lil choux is whipped for someone," Earth said into the camera that he turned on just moments ago.

"So you guys probably already know by now that Perth recorded my lifetime experience right? The vlog with Saint," he started off the video.

Earth paused for a moment, putting the camera down. He was contemplating on whether he really was going to expose his best friend right there and then, to the whole world, without letting him know beforehand.

"You know what? I'll just say it," it was like the male was playing war of tug with his audience.

"So Perth is whipped for Saint."

Some fan were definitely going to beg to disagree with him, that he was just misunderstanding something. But as Perth's best friend, he knew that he knew his best friend the best. I mean, that's what best friend are for, right?

"By the time this video is up, the vlog with Saint would have probably been uploaded days ago, since I'm literally editing the video right now," he clarified.

Earth then continued, "It's 10:35pm right now, and I still can't believe I just met Saint a few hours ago with Perth and Plan, but that's not what's important right now."

"I was watching a livestream of Saint's ItsSkin schedule event while editing which Saint is probably getting home from right now. Anyways, I was half-way editing for this vlog upload, that's probably going to come out tomorrow morning by the time I finish, when I realised a little thingy."

"I planned to make the vlog two-parted because it was a little too long since I was already filming at the arcade, pre-meeting Saint. So, I split the vlog and am working on this part where Perth is filming us walking from the mall to the parking lot up to the part where we part ways with Saint," Earth faced the camera to the computer while showing what he was working on.

Explaining in detail, he then proceeded to get to the point, "And if you watch this part, wait, just watch this."

"That one looked normal, right? No unstable shots or anything. Now, look at these few cuts. Perth literally cut me out of the frame and zoomed into Saint. He's literally never done that before with other artists I've met."

Earth had met and had Perth be his vlogging cameraman in previous videos for SBFIVE, NINE BY NINE and even BNK48. Not once did Perth cut Earth out of frame nor zoom into the artist but instead he would cut the artist out of the frame and showed Earth more, which got him scolded for, since Earth specifically told him multiple times to take shots of the artist in his vlogs instead of the older himself.

"I'm telling you, he is whipped for Saint," Earth concluded his point.

"Actually, that's all I wanted to talk about for this short video. Perth being whipped for someone for the first time in his life."

"This video will probably come out in a few days after the videos I've edited get uploaded. Until then, I should keep this upload a secret because Perth will definitely try to delete the video. But I can't afford that, since I need content on my channel," Earth chuckled a little.

note : omg i haven't updated in months💀💀 i'm so sorry guys because i started college this year and got so busy to do anything>< but hey i'm finally updating💕 also story time, just about a month ago or so, i saw 2wish and perthsaint in real life and boiii they're so hot that it's unreal😭😭 also i'm seeing perth again in a few days for his fanmeeting in my country and i'm so excited!! tempt's debut song is so good and i hope i get to hear him sing/play live🥰🥰🥰 thank you for reading!!

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