chapter twenty-seven

Start from the beginning

Chaeyoung was quietly seething in the passenger seat of Alexis as Jennie drove out of the carpark.

"Do you want me to go anywhere in particular?" Jennie asked quietly.

Chaeyoung turned and looked into concerned eyes and tried to give a small smile.

"Is there anyone at your house?"

"No. Eomma's at work."

"Can we go there?"

Jennie nodded and turned left in the general direction of her house. She was glad Chaeyoung had suggested there, it was the closest home to school so it wouldn't take long to get there and it gave them a quiet place to talk. Unless of course Chaeyoung didn't want to talk and just needed some quiet away from the school, she could deal with that too. As anxious as she was about what had happened, as much as she wanted to know, her first priority was her girlfriend and giving her whatever she needed. She pulled into her driveway a couple of minutes later and got out of the car, rushing around to open Chaeyoung's door before she did. They walked into the house in silence and Chaeyoung went straight to Jennie's bedroom, grabbing a pillow and sitting on her bed, hugging the pillow to her.

Tara stood in the doorway, not sure whether Chaeyoung wanted her around or not and stayed quiet.

"That idiot," Chaeyoung spat out after a second.

Jennie took that as a sign she was welcome in the room and went to sit on the end of the bed.

"Do you wanna tell me what happened?" she asked softly.

Chaeyoung nodded and took a deep breath.

"She told me you were cheating on me," Chaeyoung said venomously.

"She...I...What?!" Jennie asked in shock, "Why would she think I was cheating... Wait, you know I'm not, right? That I would never, ever, in a million ye-"

"I know," Chaeyoung interrupted, "But apparently Lisa doesn't. That she could even think you would do that... I mean she sees one little box and goes jumping to all these conclusions, doesn't even take the time to get her facts straight and accuses my girlfriend, the love of my life of being a cheater. And with a boy, no less. Why do people not get the whole 'gay' thing. I mean, first that Myron guy and well, maybe he didn't know I was gay, but still, and now Lisa thinks you're sleeping with a guy too. Like we all secretly want them. Stupid TV, that's whose fault it is. Making all the lesbians sleep with men."

"Are you really mad at the TV?"

"No, I'm mad at Lisa!"

"Okay, okay," Jennie soothed, moving up to sit beside her girlfriend and pulling her head down to rest on her shoulder, "Why does she think I'm sleeping with a guy?"

"Remember how you told me he helped pick your stuff up, then ran away all weird?"


"So she picked up your pencil case and your pills and saw the name, her brother's girlfriend has the same ones or something and she assumed."

"My pills..." Jennie said, then understanding dawned, "Oh. The birth control pills. I'm guessing she doesn't know they can be used to regulate your periods too, huh?"

"Evidently not. But like, if she'd just said, 'listen, I saw something and just wanted to check it out' to me, I would've been like, 'don't worry, Lis, she's told me about them, they're not for what you think.' But no, she just says 'Jennie's cheating on you.' And then she started going on about you being with a guy and that I shouldn't feel bad, that you clearly just needed something I couldn't provide and that's when I slapped her."

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