chapter twenty-one

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Ms. Kim heard Chaeyoung's voice break when she said 'Jennie' and seeing even more tears begin to flow down her cheeks, she quickly pulled her into a hug, inside the house.

Chaeyoung burst into deep sobs at the loving gesture and hugged back, until she felt herself being slowly turned and was in a set of arms she was much more familiar with.

Jennie, who had come running when she heard her girlfriend's voice, held the crying blonde to her and nodded to her mother, who had motioned that she would be in the living room if she was needed, not wanting to impose on the couple.

When Chaeyoung's sobs hadn't eased off a few minutes she slowly started walking them forwards.

"I'm just gonna take us to my room," she whispered in the crying girl's ear.

She moved them down the hallway and into her room, walking them over to the bed and encouraging Chaeyoung to lie down. The blonde did and Jennie lay beside her, softly stroking her hair as the sobs began to subside to quiet sniffles. A few minutes later, the taller girl spoke up.

"They kicked me out."

Jennie couldn't stop the gasp that came out at the revelation.

"They what!?"

Chaeyoung looked up at her girlfriend with sad eyes.

"They were so mean, Jennie. They said that they wouldn't have a lesbian for a daughter and that they were horrified I'd let a heathen into my bed."

Jennie winced at the term 'heathen', but regained herself enough to listen to the blonde's story.

"And I told them, I told them you were the love of my life and that you were the most amazing girl. But they said you had influenced me, turned me gay, which is ridiculous, 'cause I wasn't turned gay, and besides I knew before I ever even met you. Hell, I came out to Jisoo and Lisa before I ever even met you, and I told them that and that I couldn't tell them because I was afraid of their exact reaction and then they said that there were places I could go to get better. Better, like I have an illness. And I said like hell I would, that nothing would stop me being who I am and being with you and they said that if that was the way I felt that I should just get out, 'cause I wasn't welcome there anymore. So I packed a bag and when I was leaving, Dad just threw a couple of hundreds at me and they both looked like they were disgusted by me. Baby, what am I gonna do?"

Chaeyoung burst into a fresh set of tears as she finished and Jennie felt her own eyes well up at her girlfriend's pain. The blonde wiped at her eyes and in the process saw the small clock on Jennie's beside locker.

"I have to go soon," she added on quietly.

"Go? Go where?"

"The motel. I need to check in before 5pm, otherwise sometimes they're out of rooms."

"Motel?" Jennie replied, shocked, "Chaeyoung, not a chance. You're staying here until we figure this all out."

"I can't imp-"

"You're not. You shared your bed with me, baby. Let me share mine."

"I'll sort something out, I promise. I have a bank account with money saved up, it was for college, but-"

Jennie placed a finger on the girl's lips to stop her speaking.

"Lets not even worry about that right now. It's been a very exhausting day. Wanna just sleep for a little bit?"

Chaeyoung nodded gratefully.

"Yea," she said with a sad smile, "That'd be nice."

Jennie stood up and pulled both of their shoes off, before closing her bedroom door and closing over the curtains. She walked back to the bed and took off her jeans, shaking herself free from the material.

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