chapter twenty-eight

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"Wow, am I glad that is over," Jennie sighed as she met up with Chaeyoung outside of the large exam room.

"Yea...but it was fun, right? I mean all the fun questions and stuff. Plus, yay, essay, you're great at essays. And we can always retake the SATs next year; this was just kinda like practice. And all those multiple choices, those were great, you get to be all choosy and stuff. Ohh, I wish I knew how I scored now, I can't wait the three weeks until they're online. Hey, maybe I can hack into the college admissions board websites, see if they have them logged earlier," Chaeyoung gushed as they both started walking towards Jennie's car.

"I love your test enthusiasm, babe. But be careful messing around with those websites, other people's scores are private."

"Oh, I know, I'd never look up yours or anything."

"I don't mean that, I mean others...its not fair if, say, you knew Irene's scores and she didn't want you to. Or even a know what I'm trying to say?"

"Yea I get ya...maybe I should just wait like everyone else?"

"That's my girl."

Chaeyoung got a goofy smile on her face, just like anytime Jennie called her 'my girl' or said 'I love you'.

"I don't know about you but tests make me hungry. Can I buy ya lunch? I'm in the mood for pizza."

"Definitely," Jennie replied, pressing the button to open her car.

They got in the car and Jennie drove towards the small pizza place on Main Street that she knew they both liked, chatting about the SATs and the sections they did and didn't like. They parked on the street and made their way into the restaurant, getting a small table in the corner.

"I think I'm in the mood for the vegetable extravaganza," Chaeyoung said, mulling over her options.

"Okay, but I would suggest getting it without garlic if you have any intention of kissing me today," Jennie smirked over her menu.

"Hey, I made out with you for over an hour after you had nachos at the movies one time, not to mention all the mornings we wake up together; morning breath-"

"I really, really hope this is going somewhere."

"All I meant was I don't care what funkiness is going on, I never can and never will be able to resist the allure of your lips, because every time they touch mine I know that loving you is most important thing in my life."

Jennie's heart melted at her girlfriend's words.

"That was incredibly sweet," she said, leaning over the table for a quick kiss, "And that was also the last one you're getting if you choose the garlic."

"Well that's... just... it's why I love you so damn much, that's what it is."

"Because I refuse to kiss you?" Jennie asked confused.

"Because you stand your ground. Like when you went to my parents. Or stood up against Irene. Or even that first time, in Biology, when you let me know that you were interested. You're stubborn and you scare me and I love it."

Jennie was taken aback by the heartfelt words and reached under the table to entwine their hands.

"Get your garlic."


An hour later they had finished their pizza, Chaeyoung having decided to get a ham and pineapple after all, anyway, and were walking through the park, hand-in-hand. Chaeyoung steered them towards the small stream and onto a bench, watching the water shimmer in the sun and giggling when she saw a duck try to waddle into water but accidentally falling in instead.

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