chapter twelve

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"Chaeyoung? Babe? Wake up, beautiful," Jennie nudged her girlfriend who had fallen asleep on her shoulder during the two-hour bus trip to Kingston National Park where their field trip was taking place.

Chaeyoung just cuddled in closer and made no effort to wake up. Jennie brought a hand up to cup her cheek and stroked it with her thumb. She quickly looked down the aisle of the bus and when she saw that no one was looking, placed a quick kiss on top of Chaeyoung's head.

The taller girl's eyes fluttered open when she felt the familiar tingle she got whenever Jennie's lips touched her. She felt her girlfriend cupping her cheek and leaned into the touch, revelling in the warmth. She kissed her thumb, alerting the brunette to her awake status.

"Sorry, baby. Didn't mean to fall asleep," she said, sitting up.

"I think you were dreaming. You kept jumping around and mumbling."

"Yea. Apparently I sleep talk. Nothing embarrassing I hope?"

"You were speaking too low to hear. We're almost at the park."

"Oh. Oh!" Chaeyoung said, looking out the windows and seeing the trees and water go by, "It's pretty."

There was only twenty students on the trip, with two teachers and despite Chaeyoung's initial dismay at the timing, she was quite looking forward to being able to study the plant and animal life of the park. Plus the idea of kisses hidden behind a tree appealed to her too. The bus pulled up at a large area of grass with a small wooden cabin to the side.

Everyone walked out of the bus, stretching from having to sit for so long and collected their bags from the compartment at the side of the vehicle. The two teachers were going over lists and standing around a large pile of something, Chaeyoung couldn't tell what.

"Okay," Ms. Kim, the other Biology teacher spoke up, "Gather 'round."

The students all stood, surrounding the teachers.

"Behind us," Mr. Lee continued, "Are your tents. They're each two-person, so join up with your lab partner, except those of you with an opposite sex partner, will those people please go to Ms. Kim now."

A small group of people went over to the woman, while the rest stayed around Mr. Lee.

"We're sleeping in tents?" One of the other girls piped up, "As in, not covered by protective housing shelter?"

Chaeyoung had assumed they would be sleeping in cabins as well, but wasn't too upset by the development. She looked over to Jennie, who was giving her a curious glance. It was then she remembered that she was, in fact, Jennie's lab partner and therefore would be sharing a tent with her. She winked at her girlfriend, who smiled shyly back.

"It won't kill you for a few nights. You were told to bring sleeping bags, I'm surprised you didn't put two and two together," Mr. Lee sighed, before pointing to his left at the wood building, "That cabin there has toilets and showers, gender separated, which are ours for the weekend. Mrs. Kim and I will be making hot dogs and hamburgers in a while. We'll be splitting up into groups tomorrow morning and exploring the park. Right now, you need to set up your tents, anywhere in this open vicinity is fine."

With that, the teacher picked up his own tent and went over to a shaded area of the land. Jennie grabbed one of the bags that had the tent and all it's components and nodded for Chaeyoung to follow her.

Chaeyoung ran along after her, falling into step fairly quickly.

"Where do you wanna set up?" she asked the brunette.

"," Jennie said, dropping both the bag with the tent and her own overnight bag.

They were at the furthest corner of the field, everyone else having started to set up in the middle, so they were closer to the bathrooms. Chaeyoung seemed to be thinking that as well.

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