chapter twenty-four

Start from the beginning

She saw a few students start to mill into the classroom and followed in herself, taking a seat at the very back of the room. She knew this was Chaeyoung's very first class and she also knew that the smaller girl had no idea that she was in the class. She'd gone to the school counsellor when the blonde had told everyone that she would be teaching and requested to be transferred to 'Computers for Beginners', the class she was teaching, insisting that she'd need the skills for any career she choose. The counsellor had agreed to the transfer and Jennie had jumped for joy that not only would she get to be taught by Chaeyoung, but she too would be getting out of Gym, something she was very pleased about.

Just as she was thinking about how she'd somehow have to find a way to get exercise outside of Gym class now and the various scenarios involving her and Chaeyoung, very sweaty and very naked ran through her mind, she heard her girlfriend speak.

"Uh, Hi. I'm Park Chaeyoung. You can call me Chaeyoung; I'm taking over for Ms. Choi, she's gone off to have a baby, so I'll be here until the end of the year. Obviously, I'm a student, but I can still give detentions. I really don't want to though, mostly I'm just gonna set out the work that Ms. Choi has left and if anyone needs any help, they can ask me. So for today, we're working on Excel, basic spreadsheets and stuff. I'm gonna hand out a sheet with some figures and just see if you can input them and follow the instructions for automatic calculations. That okay with everyone?"

There was a general grumble that Chaeyoung assumed meant 'yes' and she started handing out the sheets, happy that, so far, no one was giving her a hard time. She walked around the classroom until she came to the last row and as she moved inwards, a familiar scent caught in her nostrils.

I smell Jennie. That vanilla-y smell with her perfume and just...her.

She looked up and the next desk and her eyes widened as she saw that it was in fact, Jennie that was sitting there. She bent down slightly so it would seem like she was helping the brunette with something.

"What're you doing here?" she whispered in surprise.

"I got myself transferred," Jennie whispered back, "Wanted to see your skills in action...uh, teaching action."

"You are the sweetest..." Chaeyoung started, then smirked, "See me after class."

She straightened up as Jennie bit back a giggle and moved back towards her desk, needing to get up only once to help a student named Myron, who was having difficulty actually turning on the machine. Jennie, who actually knew how all the tasks set out on the sheet already and didn't need any lessons in the basic operating of a computer anyway, watched her girlfriend patiently explain to the short, sandy-haired boy how to do everything, smiling at him when he got something right. By the end of class, Myron seemed quite pleased with himself, and to Jennie's displeasure seemed to be quite pleased with Chaeyoung too. She watched him watch her girlfriend as she made her way back to her desk and scowled when she saw him give a dreamy sigh when she bent over.

Alright, dude, cool your jets. She's mine.

The bell rang signalling the end of class and Jennie hung back, remembering Chaeyoung asking to see her after. She frowned when she saw Myron walk towards her.

"'re friends with Chaeyoung, right?" he asked pleasantly.

"Yea. Good friends. Great friends. Actually, girl-" Jennie was cut off by the boy speaking again.

"Cool. So you'd know if she'd like me, right?"

Normally Jennie might feel sorry for the oblivious boy, but she'd seen him checking out her girl, so she had no sympathy for him.

"She's seeing someone," she said, hoping that would deter him.

"Oh. Well, that's okay...I can win her over. I know she likes me, I could see it when she smiled at me."

"Listen, buddy, that is my girl you're talking about and if you even think for a second that I'm gonna lose her to anyone, you've got another thing coming."

"I-I didn't know," Myron spluttered out then went to run out of the classroom, mumbling 'sorry'.

Jennie trudged down to the end of the classroom and perched herself on the edge of Chaeyoung's desk, looking angry.

Chaeyoung was about to start speaking about how happy she was that her first class had gone when she saw the scowl on her girlfriend's face.

"Baby, what's wrong?" she asked, leaving her papers and going to stand in front of the brunette, resting her hands on the shorter girl's knees.

"Myron," Jennie spat out.

"Uh, the kid I had to help? What about him?"

"He asked me if you could like him. And I tried to tell him that you were very much taken but he kept interrupting me and then he said he would win you anyway and I saw him looking at your butt and I'm the only one allowed to look at your butt and if that's really possessive and wrong well then...then I don't want to be right, okay?"

"You're jealous..." Chaeyoung accused in a playful tone.

"No I'm not," Jennie scoffed, then bit her lip, "Well maybe a little, but he sighed and had this like, faraway look in his eye when I saw him checking you out. Like he was imagining you naked. I know, 'cause it's the same look I get."

"Well, think of it like're the only one who actually gets to see me naked."

Jennie contemplated this and sighed, realizing how adolescent she must have sounded.

"Well that's true..." she relented, giving Chaeyoung a sheepish smile.

"I love you and only you, Jennie. And besides, baby. I am really, really gay. Like super gay. You shouldn't be worried about guys," Chaeyoung said, giving the brunette a playful pinch on the nose.

"You saying I need to be worried about girls?"

"Nope. Only one girl for me. But, uh, you might wanna keep a tight hold on me if Angelina Jolie ever enrolls here."

"I'll keep that in mind," Jennie smirked, " Mom's away at a banking conference in Washington the next couple of wanna stay over tonight?"

"You betcha," Chaeyoung eagerly nodded, "I have debate practice after school, so I'll just run home and get a bag after, then come over, yea?"

"No," Jennie shook her head. An image had been forming in her head for the past day or so and she saw this as the perfect opportunity to let it play out, "Come straight from debate. You have a few clothes at mine, you can just use those for tomorrow."

"But what about pajamas?"

"Rosie," Jennie started, quirking an eyebrow, "I have no intention of you wearing any clothes to bed."

"Oh," Chaeyoung replied, blushing, "Well that sounds good too."

"Good. I'll leave the front door open, so you can just come right in, okay?"

"Uh, sure."

Why does she want me to just walk in? Oh well, I'm sure she has her reasons.

Jennie smiled and jumped off the desk as she saw a few students start to come in for the next class. She was grateful she had a free period so she knew she wouldn't be late for anything, but didn't want to hold her girlfriend up either.

"Oh and Rosie? Come dressed exactly as you are."

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