Chapter 4: Meeting the hacker, teachers and a threat

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"Classmates whispering"






Third Person's POV

Once dinner was finished the students were given a choice for the night to either go up to their rooms or go into the living room to play games. While Tsuna and his group went to either do paperwork, plan the next part of the revenge plan or just plan to train. Those who were doing the revenge plan (specifically Hayato) had gone to Reborn and asked if the guardians could wake up the students in the morning; Reborn thinking that he could spend more time tutoring his student, agreed.

So, when morning came, the students and Nezu were all sleeping happily in their beds till the were woken by loud speakers that sat outside their room playing a car horn on repeat. Luckily it wasn't loud enough to wake the rest of the floors up so only the students and Nezu were deaf till they were wide awake when it was time to go down for breakfast.

By the time they were all ready there was no outside waiting to take them down to breakfast. It was as if they were expected to remember the way down after going there once! So, by the time they made it to the dining hall they were about half an hour late and everyone else was already there waiting for them but there was someone new there and Tsuna wasn't. The newcomer wore a black hoodie with a big ice blue "flame" on the back with an orange t-shirt underneath, they also wear a black and orange tracksuit bottoms and has a Japanese Wolf mask.

 The newcomer wore a black hoodie with a big ice blue "flame" on the back with an orange t-shirt underneath, they also wear a black and orange tracksuit bottoms and has a Japanese Wolf mask

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Once they were all seated Nono cleared his throat and started to speak, "as you can see there is someone here in place of Tsuna, this is due to Tsuna unfortunately being sick. So, in his place we have a member of our company who helps out with security, OrangeFrost. Due to privacy our company cannot reveal his true name. You will not see him often as he will either be in his room or out working in one of our other branches. Now let us get breakfast started as I am sure you are all very hungry."

As soon he had finished his breakfast, OrangeFrost stood up and nodded to Nono then left. Just as he left the room the students started whispering, "why does he just up and leave without saying goodbye?", "how rude! Not even saying goodbye to his boss!" In order to clear the rumours that his best hacker was rude Nono stated, "OrangeFrost had specific reasons why he will not talk, and I am completely fine with him not talking. So, I do not wish to hear anymore of you talking about him being rude. Am I understood?" The students and Nezu all apologised and nodded their heads.

After breakfast the students and Nezu were all lead out to the garden to where the student would be introduced to their teachers for time they will be here. The guardians on the other hand were planning on how to execute their plan without getting caught by any of the teachers, Reborn, Nono or Tsuna. Their next move was to sabotage some of the student's things such as chairs, mixing up their clothes. Maybe even dying their hair to a neon colour. Oh, how they were going to have fun!

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