Chapter 3: The Mansion

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"Classmates whispering"





Third Person's POV

Once the class had stepped off the plane there was a messy red headed boy who looked about their age waiting for them. Reborn walked out and greeted the boy before turning to the class and told them that they were going in the transport that they had arrived at the airport with. The boy had joined Tsuna and his guardians in the limo where the guardians were whispering quietly about their revenge plan while Tsuna had fallen asleep due to training, the red head raised his eyebrow when he heard what the guardians were talking about, the red head was also glad that Reborn had decided to go in the other limo. The buses were quiet as most people were awake taking in the scenery and very few people were asleep. Once the buses and limos arrived at the mansion everyone tiredly shuffled off the bus while the people in the limos walked out all looking awake except for Tsuna.

One look at the mansion and everyone except Tsuna and his group were instantly in awake and staring at it as if they have never seen anything more grand. The door to the mansion opened and out stepped Nono, he smiled warmly at his grandson's classmates. "Welcome classmates of Tsuna, my name is Nono or Timoteo and I am the boss of GoldClam which my grandson will soon take over." While he was introducing himself Tsuna was rubbing his eyes tiredly and yawned which earned him a hit on the head from Reborn.

"If someone is introducing themselves then it is rude not to listen to them Dame-Tsuna especially someone important like Nono."

Tsuna in response sighed, "but Reborn I am tired as I woke up early since I had to finish my paperwork and then I had training on the plane and barely got any sleep." Reborn didn't respond as Nono had stared talking again and beside him were a maid and butler.

"The two beside me will be helping you with getting to your rooms. The red head that you met at the airport is the boss of a sister company, Enma Kozato. The other maids and butlers will be carrying your luggage up. I have to deal with some things but I will see you later at dinner." Without another word Nono smiled and headed back into the mansion.

The maid and butler stepped towards the students. "My name is Teiljo Hakuryū and I am the head butler at the mansion. Now if the boys would like to follow me please as I lead you towards the room." He turned around and headed into the mansion with the boys and Nezu following him. Tsuna and the group had also followed behind since they were going to head to their rooms.

The maid turned towards the girls, "my name is Irene Capozzi and I am the head maid in the mansion, now if the girls would like to follow me to your rooms." She beckoned the girls to follow as she entered the mansion.

As Tsuna's classmates walked into the mansion they couldn't help but stare at everything and they treaded carefully as they didn't want to know what happens if they broke something that looked very expensive. Tsuna's group and the red head couldn't help but silently laugh at their classmates as they casually trailed behind the group as they made their way to their own private rooms.

On the way up Enma and Tsuna were catching up on the things that they missed since Enma had to return to Italy earlier in the year due to him sorting out mafia-related issues. They then went opposite ways when they got to the corridor that Tsuna's room was in.

Once Tsuna had gotten to his own room he flopped on the bed and went to sleep but he also set an alarm on his phone to wake up by 6.30pm to get ready for dinner. While Tsuna was sleeping his guardians were already setting up their revenge plan with putting water buckets and trip wires outside the doors of the classmates room so when they open the door water would be poured on them. It was an easy thing to set up with such little time and without anyone knowing it was them. They had to make sure that no one from the outside could see them.

The class however were looking around each of their rooms where there were 4 single beds, 2 bathrooms, 2 wardrobes, a desk and a set of drawers. By the time they had explored every bit of their rooms it was 6.45pm and they had to go to the dining hall and outside their doors were maids and butlers who didn't know about the water buckets.

Once the first students tripped the trip wire the water buckets tipped on their head and completely soaked them which made the other students laugh and the maids and butlers quickly grab a towel so that they can dry themselves as they have to make them presentable in front of Nono and the soon to be Decimo and to make sure that the place doesn't get while they are guiding them towards the dining hall where Nono and Tsuna where waiting. Once the group of students had reached the dining hall they couldn't believe their eyes.

The dining hall had a long table in the centre of it, smaller tables around the room, there was a wooden door behind the long table, there was lots of lights on the ceiling that made the room look less like a haunted house room. Tsuna and his group were already in their seats and were happily chatting away with each other, Nono and Enma.

When the class entered the room the group looked at them and the guardians except Mukuro and Hibari had little smirks on their lips but it was gone as soon as it had come. Once the group of students and Nezu sat down then Nono gestured toward a maid to ask the food to be brought out so that they could eat. Nono had given them a quick tutorial on what cutlery to use while they were waiting for the food to come out.

"Once we have finished our dinner each of you will receive a schedule for tomorrow as you must continue your studies here, your teachers will also be introduced to you tomorrow as well after breakfast and before your classes. After we have finished talking about tomorrow you will returned to your rooms as I am sure that most of you will have jetlag and your body clocks will be messed up and you have also have been travelling all day and woke up early. Now let us eat."

Once the food was brought out all conversations had stopped except the one with Tsuna's guardians who were on their best behaviour or they will get a trigger happy hitman after them and extra training due to making a 'scene' in front of Nono.

When Nono wasn't around then lets just say that is another story.


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