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Amara Gray sat on the edge of the bathtub and let her leg bounce nervously. Her pregnancy test sat on the counter, not ready to be looked at yet. She'd been imagining this moment for years, but so much differently than now.

She'd imagined sitting with her husband, clinging to his hands while the two of them waited for the result. They would have been excited and nervous all at the same time, but Amara would know that she would have his support no matter what happened.

But that's not what had happened. Instead, Amara was alone and single, anxiously waiting for the result. How could this happen to her? If she was pregnant, she'd be on her own completely, without the support of her family or the baby's father.

It wasn't that she didn't like him; that was the problem. She had fallen for him, hard, and she let her feelings take over. It had been a mistake. She knew it before it had happened but hadn't resisted it. She raked her hand through her dark brown curls. Now she could be paying the price.

Amara's phone alarm went off, signifying that it was time to check the result. An even bigger ache formed in her stomach than before. Her clammy hands shook as she picked it up. She took a huge breath before flipping it over and looking at the result.


Joshua Leonard waltzed into his office without a care into the world. He tossed a file onto his desk and stared out the huge window at the morning sun, which was peeking over the tops of the skyscrapers. His favorite view. He ran his fingers through his light brown hair.

A knock on the door sounded. Joshua peeled his eyes away from the window and said, "Come in."

His secretary, a short woman with brown hair and glasses, hurried in. "Here are the files you were asking for. Oh, and Ms. Wimbleton is here to see you."

"Excellent," Joshua said. "Send her in."

The secretary left the room as fast as she had come. Just a moment later, a tall, blonde woman with shoulder length hair and striking green eyes entered the room.

"Good morning!" She said.

"Ah, Nicole," Joshua smiled. "The one woman I wanted to see this morning."

She swiftly walked over to him, heels clicking against the floor, and planted a kiss on his lips.

"Should we get started?" She asked.

"What about?" He answered with his own question. "Are we talking business or the wedding?"

"The wedding, silly," Nicole said, taking a seat in front of his desk. "I need you to help me pick the decor."

"Are we budgeting?" Joshua smirked. He already knew the answer.

"Do we ever?" Nicole smiled back.

Less than an hour later, the office was bustling. Amara hurried in, late and looking like a hot mess. Why did she have to work on one of the highest floors? Her dark hair was all over the place, despite her trying to tame it in a bun.

She rushed behind the main desk, where she worked as a receptionist for Mr. Leonard. Her friend, redheaded Gabby Miller, also worked as a receptionist, but only for Mr. Houston, who owned the other half of the company. Amara handled Mr. Leonard's appointments, while Gabby did the same for Mr. Houston.

"Go throw your bags in the break room," Gabby said.

"I can't," Amara argued. "I'm already late enough as it is--"

"Don't worry, I punched you in already," Gabby said, blue eyes shiny. "Just don't let Mr. Leonard see you."

"You're a lifesaver," Amara said with a smile.

"I know," Gabby smiled.

Amara quickly hurried to the break room to drop off her bags. On the way there, she kept thinking, how was she going to handle this? How would she tell Joshua? Would she tell Joshua?

Amara shook her head. She had to tell him. He was the father. He had the right to know. But when? She couldn't interrupt him while he was working.
Besides, she had enough catching up to do this morning. And she couldn't tell him after work; his fiancee was always with him.

Amara sagged against the counter and sighed. She fought back tears. This was a disaster. And all because she hadn't been able to control herself. She felt stupid, guilty, and alone. What was she supposed to do now?

A young man with curly, dirty-blond hair entered the room, forcing Amara to get ahold of herself. Ethan.

"Hey, Amara, how's it going?" He asked.

"Fine, thank you," Amara answered politely.

She hurried out of the room to her desk. Rumor had it that Ethan had a thing for Amara, and she couldn't bear to try and handle that today. She knew he wanted to ask her out, but that couldn't happen.

That was another thing Amara hadn't thought of. She probably wouldn't be able to date anyone for the next year or so. Who would want to date a woman who was carrying another man's child?

Amara's hands shook as she tried to do her work. She was going to see her parents in a few weeks for her mom's birthday. They would be asking about her love life for sure. After all, Amara was 24 now. How could she tell them she was pregnant, without being married, and without a man to support her?

As Amara picked up the phone to return some calls she had to make for Joshua, she could only think of the phone call she would have to make to the doctor later that night. How could she have let this happen?

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