Chapter 13 : Broken heart

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Hey! Just wanted to say that I changed the picture of Gemini, Virgo, Capricorn and Pisces. (And also give me your opinion on the book and what you want to see more, I'll do it. And please comment I like seeing what you think lmao).

Sagittarius POV :

"So what the actual fuck?!" Capricorn exclaims at Orion as soon as we all exit.

At one point all of us met  in a completely normal room and we had to find the exit to finally finish this hell. Leo, at one point finally found it.

When we were in there Pisces was asking a whole lot of questions. At one moment Capricorn snapped and screamed at her quite violently if you'd ask me. So the poor girl just became quiet suddenly.

He seems really pissed since we're here for some reasons.

But back to the present.

Orion just smiles warmly (like she does everytime someone asks her something) at him before answering.

"You all need to train to fight Ophiuchus in the future, right?" And I need to know your capabilities too."

Capricorn rolls his eyes.

"You said that it was a maze. It wasn't a fucking maze." Pisces hesitantly puts a hand on his shoulder from behind.

"Please. Calm down, it's okay." He angrily pushes her hand away.

"Oh shut up will you! It's not okay, we almost died in there. And I have a really bad cut on the shoulder because of this maze." He says emphasising the world maze in a sarcastic manner.

Pisces immediatly changes her calm face with an angry one and backs off before answering.

"So mister 'I'm annoying the hell out of everyone with my negativity", will you also shut up? I'm trying to help. Poor baby got a cut? Deal with it will not be the last time."

Everybody is surprised at her sudden outburst. Not Capricorn though. I clap in my mind for Pisces for answering like that, they grow up so fast. The angry girl then turned to Orion.

"Can we go home now?"

Orion slowly nods and we all follow her in the big car. I sit down beside Aries and Leo and we talk about what we did on the "maze" as we go back home.

Lucky Virgo and Scorpio! They didn't go through shit like this...

Arrived back to the high school

As we enter the hall, we stop ourselves seeing a completely wet Virgo sitting on the ground in the middle of the hall with a sword on her hand . Scorpio him, is facepalming at her while sitting comfortably on a couch with a girl in his arms.

Whaaaaaaaaaaaaat? Where does this girl comes from?

"So I have questions." Taurus says while pointing at them.

"Who the fuck is she?" She mentions to the girl in Scorpio's arms. Virgo answers for him.

"One of his prostitute." The unknown girl gasps.

"How do you dare say that!" Virgo smirks and waves at the girl as Orion shoves her out. Taurus carries on.

"Why are you wet and sitting on the floor with a sword in your hand."

"His name is Sekk-" She is cut off by Scorpio. But does she named her sword? That's actually cool.

"Poor girl can't swim and begged me to teach her. She drowned like the stupid human she is, but luckily the strong Scorpio was there to save her."

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