Chapter Two

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I moan.

It sounds painful and very dehydrated, scratchy. I move my numb foot first, then wiggle my fingers, my head buried into a very fluffy pillow of my top-level suite. OMG, I didn't even take off my heels. I think I passed out in a very awkward position.

I must look like I fell off a building, splat.

"Uhhhhh," I whine into the crisp white down comforter. I blindly feel for the phone on the nightstand next to the bed, my arm stretching. "Come on," I groan out as my hand finds the phone buttons that I am randomly pushing. Something crashes to the floor, probably something of glass. Perfect.

I must have pushed the speaker button.

"Good morning, Crystal Macleoir! I hope you are rested and had an enjoyable evening. What can I assist you with on this fine day?"

Why the F does she sound so happy? I'm already getting irritated. "Cut the Marry Poppins crap. Get me an egg-white omelet with salmon and a ton of healthy shit like fruit and avocado. I must have drunk my weight in liquor. I need nourishment. You feel me?"

"....Uhh yes, I feel you."

"I need an F-ing latte STAT with some painkillers for this bitch-ass headache! Oh, I need to book an appointment in the spa, my skin feels dehydrated. I would also like a massage at some point today. I'll have my assistant confirm that later."

"Right away Ms. Macleoir."

I lay here trying to fumble through my hazy memory. I didn't even get laid, what a disappointment. The end of the night seems so distant, not having a blackout since my sorority years. I drank way too much, too many lemon-drop shots. I sit up and that seemed to activate my tension headache.

"Shit," I moan.

I look down and see that I am still in my cocktail dress. Oh, this is a first for me. I never let myself lose control like this, it's very out of character for me. I peel myself out of bed and manage to take the sparkling red dress off, flinging it to the side with a stumble. I might still be a tad drunk, my vision swimming. I stand here naked, my thoughts disconnected.

It's freaking freezing.

I make my way into the massive bathroom and walk into the large shower, turning on the hot water. I spin around and catch a glimpse of my reflection. I gasp. I look like a hot mess, my gorgeous hair in knots and my eyes resemble a raccoon. I walk a little closer, seeing the puffiness of my eyes. No wonder I didn't get laid, I don't think men like to sleep with dead bodies. I must have passed out hard because I don't even remember getting back to my room. That's a scary thought.

Though, my body still looks killer.

I smirk at that.


The hot shower revived me to a certain, manageable degree. I put on a large fluffy bathrobe and wrap my hair in a plush towel.

Much better.

Knock, knock, knock, knock.

Bout time. I am starving, and when I'm starving, I turn into a bitch. Well, I always a bitch, I just don't try and hide it when I'm hungry. I make my way across this lavish living room, admiring how elegant it looks. I go to open the door only to yelp, tensing every muscle in my body.

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