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"Where do you want to go first?"
"As I said, we're going to have an ice-cream and you are going to buy me the most expensive ice-cream in the store." I commanded.
"Yes Ma'am. Affirmative."
He drove us to a bakery that also sells ice-cream. It was afternoon so not much people would be out in that area. Nice choice to be very honest. "I have the most horrific idea for today. We're going to go to the park afterwards."
"Which park?" He asked.
"The one behind your friend's house..." He still did not understand. "I mean the one with pool and it's behind your friend's house... The friend whose pool party I gate crashed." I smirked on the last line. He laughed his ass of.
"Oh okay. I know where it is." He finally confirmed. We entered the store after our informative conversation inside the car was over. "What is the most expensive ice-cream here?" Hale asked.
"It's the 'heaven gelato'." The woman at the counter replied.
"We'll have two." He replied to her.
We sat at the corner of the room and it felt very warm. No one would want to go outside as it was too cold. The comfortable environment they had made inside was so unavoidable.
"Is that a turtle you're wearing?" I asked Hale.
"Yes it is. I got it last year from a friend."
"So you have friends who give you turtle rings." This sounded good from my mouth. Why would a guy wear a turtle ring? That's the most childish fashion I've seen in some years.
"Actually he was the only one I could call my friend." He fidgeted with the ring and took it out of his finger to play with it.
"Where is he now? Do you guys meet?" I asked as I saw a woman bringing our ice-cream bowls.
"Oh, he moved to Indiana and we don't talk because he probably doesn't remember me now. Probably..."
"Can I just ask? Why a turtle? Out of all those exclusively handcrafted jewelry out there, why did he give you a turtle?" I took a bite of my huge layered ice-cream placed in a bowl. "Also... this tastes heavenly."
"He smiled. "Told you."
"My question still remains. Why did he give you a turtle?" I took one more scoop.
"Maybe because... Turtles symbolize long life. I don't know. I never asked him. I just took it. I wear it because I think it's pretty cool. Isn't it?"
'Yeah... It's um... It's cool." I felt very sorry for him to have such likings.
"That's very unfortunate for you to not like this masterpiece."
"I don't know what to say."
After eating ice-cream, Hale drove us to the park about which I had told him earlier. A lot had changed in one month since I last visited. The trees that fenced it were not much left. They also made a walking pavement around it along with the fencing trees. "Last time I visited it was so different."
"Yeah it was. They keep on reconstructing it often. You come back again after a few months and this will change too."
"Wow. They've got much free time to do this so often."
"It has only been like this for some months. Don't worry about it." I think Hale was surprised that I was giving so much importance to the park.
"Let's go near the pool." I said.
"Why did you want to come here?" Hale asked when we were sitting beside the pool. Our legs were half sunk into the pool water.
"I missed doing this." I pointed at my legs. "I wonder how it is for people who are always happy about everything because I'm not happy most of the time." I shook my legs back and forth while they were still inside the water.
"Everyone has bad days. It's not like everyone's always happy and cheeky." He mentioned.
"I know it I'm not crazy. What I am saying is... that I don't know how to deal with a gloomy situation happily." I looked up at him.
"Yeah I wonder that too."
"I really wanted green eyes when I was a kid." I said.
"I want blue."
"No... I think green eyes are perfect. I don't really like blue eyes." I pouted and grimaced.
"What color eyes did he have?"
"Brown." I said.
"Was he handsome?" He asked.
"He was beautiful... very beautiful." My gaze was straight in front of me.
"Was he tall?" He asked.
"Yes. I'll give his full list of specifications." I tried to joke.
"No I don't need that..."
"Can you do something for me?"
"Anything." He replied.
"Write a song about me."
"Definitely... I'll do it." He looked at me.
After about two hours of talking and ranting about some random stuff, Hale asked where we should go next. It was getting dark now. "How about it if we go to the 'late park'?"
"You really don't want to go to those rides." Hale seemed pretty sick when he said 'rides'.
"I won't take you to a roller-coaster. We'll keep it simple. We'll have some food from there and maybe a Giant wheel." I suggested.
"A Giant wheel? Do you really like them?" His face expression was abominable.
"I love Giant wheels." I stopped right there as I was about to leave the pool. "We should go." I said when I felt the awkwardness filling up the situation through every corner. We went to the 'late park' and it was dark by the time we reached. I had two corndogs with three glasses of coke. We sat on the cup ride but it wasn't much fun as the girl on the cup next to us puked inside the gigantic cup even before she could get out of it.
"Ew." Hale said as he felt disgusted by the vomit. "If I see someone vomit, I do it as well. I hate it." He commented. "It's okay. She just got sick." I told him to which he replied, "She shouldn't have decided to ride it in the first place." I was so amused at his expression and I couldn't stop laughing. He tried to hide his emotions by saying, "Okay, I don't feel alright about it." And then he burst into laughter as well.
"Let's get going for the thing we came here for. The Giant wheel calls us." I pulled him by his hand.
"It's so big!" He exclaimed.
"It's going to be fine. Come on." I said as he was standing stone cold and frozen in front of me. I held his hand and shook it below with excitement.
"Oh Okay. It's coming down now." He said when people were coming out of it and it was our turn to jump over it to swing off.
"I'm going to die." Hale cried.
"Oh God, you're crying like I'm taking you on a massive roller coaster. Relax." I said.
We pushed ourselves inside the tiny space for two. Hale was holding my hand the whole time and then the time came when we were slowly being lifted higher so that other people could fit in the carriages that followed. When we reached the top position Hale opened his eyes and he squeezed my hand very tight. He did it so hard and tight that my hand actually hurt but I did not say anything. Now we were flying in circles, up and down. Hale looked much calm then but I knew he was faking it. Inside him he must've felt like throwing up. So I leaned forward and kissed him. It felt like the swing wasn't rotating at its usual high speed. It seemed to be more slow and steady. Hale left my hand and put it on my waist while mine was near his cheek. I finally let go and we smiled slowly turning it into laughter. For the rest of the time on the wheel, we enjoyed it. Hale didn't seem to be scared anymore.
"It was fun, right?" I asked when we got down of the wheel.
"Yeah. Very much fun." He replied and we laughed again.
"My bucket list for today is complete now." I announced.
"And I don't have one." He chuckled.
"Let's go inside the car now. It's freezing out here." I said.
"Yeah. I'm cold too." We walked to the parking lot.
"I've parked it somewhere here." He looked confused.
"I think you should try the key button." I reminded him.
"Oh!" He came back to normal. "Oh yeah. I completely forgot. Thanks." He said.
We sat inside and the first thing he did was turn the heater on. "It's so cold." He made a statement.
"Indeed it is. Hey, can you play the music." He pushed the stereo button and the song that was playing is my favorite song. It was free falling by John Mayer. "I reckon this whole musical thing between us is like the best thing. We kind of have the same taste in music."
"Yeah it's remarkable." He wasn't driving. We were just sitting there and talking about life and all the amazing things in it.
"It feels like were drunk." I said after a few minutes of silence.
"Drunk?" He said but I knew it was a question.
"I mean, hypothetically speaking we seem like we're drunk." I replied.
"Why do you think that?" He narrowed his eyes, folding his legs together on the seat and turning towards me.
"We talk like we're high. We talk about things that we wouldn't usually talk to anyone else. I mean I explained my okay-yo to you. How strange is that?" I shook my head, looking down at my feet.
"But I'm glad we're still sober. Cheers to our sobriety." He said.
"Why aren't you wearing your head rag today? It looks good on you." I folded my legs too.
"I didn't feel like." He shrugged, looking into my eyes. I turned away. "Can I ask something?" He asked.
"Yeah." I agreed.
'Do you miss him?"
I took a moment to finally comprehend the question and finalize an answer for it. "Yeah I do." I nodded. He said nothing for a while.
"And do you love him?" His eyes were not at me when he asked this.
"I loved him for who he was." I put some stress on the word 'was'. "Now he's not here and I don't even know if that was real or not." I paused before I began. "I don't know if he's coming back or... I don't even know if he really existed. Maybe I'm just a little crazy girl who has been hallucinating in her dreams. It might be that way. Maybe it's just all in my head."
He took his time to think and I generously gave it to him. After a long pause he said, "I'm sorry for mentioning that." He shook his head as well. He felt guilty, I could see it. He looked over at me.
"It's okay. You don't feel the rough." I blinked twice at him and smiled.
I had my head turned in his course.
"Can you drive me home, please?"
"Sure." He said as he revved up the engine. I can finally see him back in his pants. He was humming along the song that played. It was a song I was unaware about so I did not mumble it along with him.
"There it is." He said when we reached.
"Are you angry with me?" He asked.
"Why do you think so?" I answered in a question.
"I don't know, maybe because I asked about him." He replied with a sorry face.
"It's totally fine. I miss him and I... really miss him." I chuckled. He smiled. "But after a time especially after meeting you I feel like I can't dwell on the past. Not on bad things for sure." I smiled my side faced smile.
After a long and uncomfortable silence he asked me his name and I had no clue to it. "He never told me." I said.
"You know what... you deserve the best... and so do I." We laughed when he said this. Then happened what everyone might think would've happened. It was one of those moments I had seen to have happened in a movie or a very erotic book. But now it happened with me. How lucky am I?

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