Chap 18

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Chapter 18

The monitor centre is James' office. He has been working there ever since Alex first entered the building years ago. There's no surprise that he knows every little dirty secret in the BASE.

James closes the door behind him way too harshly. Alex jumps a bit, looking at the incredulous eyes of Zach, and then James' angry ones once he turns to face him. "I knew he was trouble! The second he started asking about the damn project...I fucking knew it."

"The whole platform was torn down in to shreds. It looked awfully like Kane broke the fender, helped the monster to ruin our hard work and nearly got so many people killed." Zach states. Alex's heart skips a beat, ye he sighs in relief as he realizes no one has been hurt- Jamie and Nick did an amazing job.

James adds, "And you, my dear lord! You just have to become his partner in crime, is that right?"

Alex is overwhelmed by the speech. After he sneaks out of the clinic, he walks into the monitor centre without bumping into anyone. It's strange enough that the BASE is so empty. And now this- Alexa, James and Zach working together, revealing his secret without breaking a sweat.

"I don't understand." Alex takes a long breath in. "Why you guys...and Alexa? I was only out for a few hours...felt like it's been a fucking century!"

Zach walks up to him while James runs to adjust the big screen at the end of the room. On either side of the room, numerous small screens are showing every corner in the BASE. "I was not assigned to rescue you, so I decided to help James analyze the footages of you that point, we just found out that Miles was a spy."

"I thought it's weird that you were taking out a ship without any assignment, you know? Then I found it was Miles using your fingerprint ID. It was Homme that got me suspicious. He's always fond of you, right? He had several meetings with Miles. Unrecorded ones, before all this happened. But when I reported that you were taken, he didn't even bat a fucking eye, just gathered everyone he could and went out trying to find you, after I warned him that the set location on your ship might not be where you were truly heading."

James clicks on the screen. Shown is a report from a major Lower city, saying they has experienced an unexpected earthquake, followed by a sudden, complete cease of attacks from THE THING.

"It was right after the monster destroyed the platform. It's gone off the radar completely. I can't trace it anywhere. No attacks. No nothing. Look!" James clicks a few times more and similar reports flush the screen. A laugh of incredulous delight leaves his body without his permission. Alex just feels so grateful to HER, and incredibly proud of Miles.

Alex asks eagerly, worried. "Can I see Miles-"

"Did you two planned this?" Zach cuts in with a painful question for him. "Was our last mission together part of the plan?"

His question is like a slap on the face to Alex. "No! Zach, that was Fox-the guy who run a weapon factory down there. Miles would never hurt you. I'd never-"

Zach interrupts him again. "I believe you. Sorry I said that...I'm just wondering when you found out the connection between the drilling project and THE THING."

Alex blinks in confusion. Suddenly, he realizes it's an awful idea to talk at all. Miles said Homme's the only one in BLOCK 505 who knew about the truth. What if they are wrong?

The suspicion shows on his face. James stares at Alex like he's mental. "Seriously, Turner? You are legitimately thinking we are trying to lure you to confess? Are you even a Wizard? There's a thing called fucking truth-telling potion!"

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