Chap 7

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Chapter 7

"I could just tell Weller that I won't be going." Miles tries again while pouring Alex his third cup of tea in 15 minutes. Alex is tempted to say yes, but he decides against it. He's been in his flat for three days now. He needs some fresh air.

Alex takes a sip of the tea, shaking his head. "No, I'll come with you."

They don't talk about the fact that they are almost like conjoined twins now. Alex could use the company and Miles don't really love living in the shelter.

"What about Mark?"

"He's so fed up with me cuddling him all day yesterday. We can walk him later today in the park." Alex looks at the fluffy ball on the settee. He's glad that at least they didn't do anything to Mark. Otherwise, Alex can't promise to not do something he'd regret later.

Miles grins. He teased Alex to death when Mark was first sent back, and Alex was acting like a worried daddy. "Okay then. Guess we can just ask Weller about that thing."

Alex blinks in confusion: "What thing?"

"The magical crispy hot thing, Al." Miles just bubbles whichever words that come into his mind and Alex gets it finally. He's talking about the connection they have with their magic. It seems so trivial now that they have many other things to worry about. Still, thinking about it brings a smile to Alex's face.

They walk side by side, shoulders touching occasionally. Miles tugs his elbow and points at the door of the camp when they get close, showing Alex his little 'fans'. Tom and Joe are standing there, talking. They both wave at them when they spot Miles and Alex. "Morning, Miles, Mr. Turner!" Tom greets them. He's definitely excited to see Alex again.

"Why am I Mr. Turner when he gets to be Miles?" Alex gets into a fake huff. Tom stutters to explain and Miles just smacks the back of his head, taunting Alex being an old man. Alex is secretly relieved that the kids don't seem to give a fuck about the rather stupid announcement about him being inadequate to keep up with his job and needing a six-week "furlough". Joe even asks him if he could do a demonstration today since they are learning some spells Alex wrote. "Which ones?"

"Petrification and binding." Miles tells him. He whispers in Alex ear before running forward to join the kids. "I'm proud of you, Al."

It takes a while for Alex' heart rate to get back to normal pace.

Weller does not seem so surprised when they come to him with the question, though he does ask them to show him how it works, which neither of them has any idea of. "Maybe you should just make a shield." Alex suggests. Miles does what he's told, and Alex let his own magic knocking on the now well-structured fender. The moment his magic touches Miles', he feels the warm tingles again. Miles draws back, panting, much affected as well.

"Ah! That's interesting." The old Wizards gasps, "I haven't seen this in a long time."

Alex looks at Miles and Miles looks back, both nervous with anticipation.

"It's more often seen between siblings. The Gallagher brothers had it. But it could be found with unrelated pairs as well. Last time I saw it, it was between Barat and Doherty."

Alex' face burns bright red. Weller smiles knowingly, getting up to help the other Potentias and Miles is left confused. "What was he talking about, Al?" He glances Alex up and down, suspiciously. "Who are the Gallagher brothers, Barat and Doherty?"

"Barat and Doherty were Julian's deputies, and the Gallagher brothers were the Chief Wizards before them." Alex picks at his nails, pretending to be distracted by something on the floor.

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