Chap 1

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There is a light that never goes out

Chapter 1


They have 10 minutes before the meeting starts. Alex is struggling to get the lighter to work when Zach passes by. "You're a Wizard Alex," He shakes his head in amusement. "Just light it with magic already."

"I don't know. It feels more natural this way." Alex explains. He means to say "more human" but then decides against it. Still, Zach's eyes dim by his words. He understands.

Alex suddenly loses all the desire for a smoke. They are just about to go when noises of people shouting approach. Alex turns around out of reflex and is greeted by a group of Explorers at the other end of the corridor. He is surprised that the leader doesn't stop his angry swears for a good full minute, until someone whispers so he spots Alex and Zach.

"Mr. Turner and Mr. Dawes." They all bow. The leader takes a step forward. "Sorry for disturbing you both. "

"What happened?" Alex asks, not that he'd usually do so. He's been working way too much lately and the last thing he needs right now is another problem to worry about. However, his instincts are screaming "WRONG" at him right now.

He knows they're trying to hide something.

"It's nothing. I shouldn't let it bother you, Sir." The leader's voice is soaked with disgust and venom, which is again very rare. "We just need to remove this Lower citizen ASAP."

"What?" Zach ask incredulously. "Come again?"

Now Alex has a serious look at the group, he finally notices there's a young man surrounded by 6 Explorers, almost completely blocked by the leader. He's unhealthily skinny, probably a few centimeters taller than Alex himself. He's looking down at the ground, slightly stooped so his face is hidden under his semi-long dark hair. He dresses like all other people for Lower cities: In rags. And most importantly, his hands are tied behind his back. With a quick glance, Alex realizes it's a magic binding.

Alex immediately comes closer. "What is this about?" He scolds, trying to get through the Explorers. "Why isn't he with other survivors? "

"Mr. Turner, we're ordered to send him back—"

"Back to what? To die?" Alex snaps. He can't believe what he's just heard.

Zach stays fairly calm. He grabs Alex' shoulder to stop him from doing anything stupid. "Orders from who?" He stares at the leader. "I don't receive any report regarding this."

"He's not like everyone else." The leader answers. Now he's more nervous than vicious, "This man is extremely dangerous. We had to sedate him with several magic potions to even get him under control."

"You didn't answer the question." Zach ignores him while silently loosening the hold he has on Alex. "Tell me a name."

The whole team stays quiet.

"Leave him to me." Alex says abruptly. He tries to approach the bound man again and this time every Explorer moves aside. Zach is making some protesting sounds because there're only 3 minutes left before they have to be at the meeting. But Alex decides to at least walk this man to the shelter. "Tell Homme I'll be late for a couple of minutes!" He waves at Zach, unconcerned. He's often caught late anyway.

The moment he's in the young man's personal space, a shockingly strong wave of magical power lashes at him, almost catches Alex by surprise. He's quick to come around though, opening a shield for everyone in the corridor. The shield basically blankets the suddenly frantic young man and the leader yells at him. "Fuck you! You try that again and I'm going to—"

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