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 What's specific about this story is much less plot than in other my stories, but it has the most educational information. And this topic is interesting to me (I have a few interests, including music, art, psychology, food technology and nutrition- which is what I finished school for, philosophy, animals...), I do not like limiting the spirit and intellect, I'm not saying I'm too smart, I'm just interested in more than what neighbors are doing as most of the people here do :|). I didn't go into analyzing characters, they are already described as their favorite animals, that is, the relationship between human beings and animals has been created. The reason for this is that the story emerged as an idea back in 2011, when the girls from "Fashion Seven" emerged, with this that I had never been tempted to write this story. If I had done that back then now I would have a story about them as friends who adopt animals, treat them, keep them and so on, this way with the help of various information from the encyclopedias, the magazines , the notebook in which I wrote about animals, things I learned at school... made a more serious story which's core is life itself, as well as the diversity of the world that surrounds us. I am an animal lover and I always had pets (dogs, cats, birds and fish, and from domestic animals chickens and goats) and I am very bond to my animals because they are my best friends. However, my protective instinct is sometimes exaggerate and, in connection with anxiety, brings me to an overwhelming concern for these small creatures.

 So, this is the first story in which the main characters are not in focus. I thought I couldn't write a positive story, but I tried to keep it in balance. But, the end is in itself mysterious for the simple reason that existence is a mystery as well. I try not to mix religion in the whole this story, even though I have attended religion education during all school years, because the paleontologists worked hard to create a retrospective of the past, and religion by its teaching disproves something for which solid evidence exists, but I can believe that the "invisible force" has created the conditions for later evolution. It is one of the things that humanity has no answer for, the time and space are so complicated - when everything started and how it begun? How were these molecules formed that made the rest of galaxy, including the Sun and the planets? How did the time begin? How did the universe that surrounds us appear? Since there is no answer (I know, it is a very irritating thing >.<) it is difficult to start with such an abstract thoughts.

 Regardless of the long-standing depression, I still admire the fact that everything around us has developed for so long. Unfortunately, people have takes nature for granted - we have become more primitive than all beings, even though we could preserve this place. Many hope they will go to "heaven" unaware that the heaven is this planet is with its diverse areas, fascinating animals and beautiful plants, and that the beautiful sunset is not only a good picture for social networks but a beauty that leaves us breathless. People stopped watching further than screen devices and don't enjoy the magical wake of nature in the spring, refreshing drops of summer rain, earthy colors of deciduous forests in the autumn, a soft fluffy snow glittering under the winter sun.

 As it all began, we will be responsible for the new extreme changes on Earth - she will survive, as always, but we will surely not. It's unusual for a person who spend every day in gloomy thoughts to admire life, but that doesn't mean that the fact of the perfect functioning of our system is less significant and amazing to me.

 My story ends here and the story of existence continues to last, because space and time are eternal.

 Following: After the break, there are another stories, among which is the story with Sue ("Scale of Sanity"), the second part of the "Black Follower" and probably the mentally most difficult story I will have to type :|

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