In spite of the favourable proportions of the room it still looked like it could barely contain the stream of men that were pouring in from the wet outdoors, looking haggard and miserable because of the weather. Jade had had the good fortune of being pushed out early by Mister Gepetto so she had not only missed the rain but also had the opportunity to test her new look.

Even though she had never been interested in what men wore considering how dull their outfits were in comparison to the women she still knew what Mister Gepetto had conjured for her was high quality. Over her white, starched, band collar shirt she was wearing a pale green double breasted vest and over that was a darker green tweed frock coat. Underneath were fall front trousers that were awfully snug but she was not as horrified as some other ladies would have been because in the privacy of her home she had no qualms about wearing male clothing. Her father hadn't cared either way and she had found it easier to climb trees and ride horses without the impediment of frilly lace.

Jade was busy remembering the feeling of walking out Mister Gepetto's home without a single ruffian eyeing her up when a man with a forgettable face bumped into her.

"Oh, hello," Jade spoke a pitch higher than even her own voice and she mentally cursed herself. The shorter young man she had addressed raised his brown eyebrow rudely and strutted off without a reply.

"Line up, gentlemen, line up," A guard in a traditional feathered cap hollered and the crowd quickly focused its energies on finding a place closer to the desk.

Jade was a bit taken aback by how rowdy men could be without the presence of women to make them behave. She was used to escapades with her friends many of whom were male but no one was this rude about her personal space. She got elbowed and pushed but Jade stood her ground firmly.

The line slowly moved forward and that allowed her to observe her competition. There were short, stout, tall, muscular, skinny, wealthy, lower class men in the queue. Many applicants had been already been rejected at the door owing to obvious signs of poverty like a poorly made outfit or the lack of personal hygiene but even then the number in the room was substantial.

Jade's line finally moved forward enough to have her standing in front of a mahogany pedestal desk with a man scrawling something furiously on a piece of parchment without paying her an inch of attention.

"Name?" He asked without looking up.

"Jade-an Ward," Jade corrected herself with a stuffy voice. Even though she had spent hours practice her manly voice she still faltered under pressure.

"Have you got a cold?" The man with the curly mop of hair asked severely. Jade coughed nervously, "No, sir."

"And what are your talents?"

"Accounting, Arithmetic, Geometry, Grammar, Latin, Law, Philosophy," Jade spoke loudly, clearly proud that her father had left no expense to teach her as much as possible. The man at the desk finally looked up and noted her outer appearance. For a moment Jade was convinced the man would order his guards to throw her out but instead the man nodded and gave her a chit with a number on it.

"You may join the group on the left," The man had his eyes back on his parchments.

Jade shifted towards to the direction and found a small number of men being lectured by a grey haired man. According to the awe in their eyes it was obvious the man was of some importance.

"Another one, good, the situation is not quite as dire as I feared," The man with a very peculiar looking toupee announced with a brief look at the new arrival, "As you know this search is for my successor who will be Prince Luke's right hand man. I need to employ a man of talent and quality. He must be able to anticipate what the Prince needs even before the Prince himself knows that he needs something and he must be resourceful enough to walk through court politics with a blind fold. In an hours time there will be a written test after which the chosen few will be interviewed in the presence of the Prince. I suggest you take this hour to compose yourself."

The talk amongst the men grew threefold as soon as the man left the group to its own devices. Jade wanted to say something but her throat was stuck together as if by glue. She had expected to be found out and kicked out in the first few minutes but instead she was being given the opportunity to go ahead with the charade. The nervous frenzy in her stomach was starting to get distracting.

"I've heard they will select a few men for the trial run before they confirm who the lucky sod is. That means we shan't be out of our misery just yet," Jade patiently heard the general gossip while trying to estimate how far she would be allowed to participate before she was found out.

"So, you lads think you're up for this job?" One dandy looking fellow sneered unflatteringly, "This Prince cannot possibly have any use for you lot."

"And why ever not?" A plump, red headed youth marched forward with stiff shoulders.

"Obviously, Prince Luke seems like a man with discerning tastes. There are things only good breeding can provide and I see all of you are lacking."

"And I'm sure you have all the qualities," Jade rumbled instinctively forgetting her resolution of keeping a low profile. It was only when she noticed everyone staring at her that she realized her mistake.

"Yeah, who do you think you are?" The still angry redhead spoke again and took back the unwanted attention. Jade decided it was best if she resisted temptation and left the company of the rude fellow candidate.

On the perimeter of the room were arched corridors that ran all the way around and they seemed mostly deserted. As she neared her chosen destination she noticed how detailed the artwork was nearer to the corners.

She had only been gaping at the oil coloured figures intricately painted on the ceiling of the corridors for only a few minutes when she bumped into a man who was turning a corner.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking," Jade winced and back tracked into the wall behind her.

"No harm done," The man, half hidden in the shadows, replied gruffly though he managed to nod politely. He had shoulder length, dark, hair that covered half his face and even that half looked vaguely familiar.

"I still apologize. I just got selected to appear in the written tests and I'm afraid I am more nervous than excited," Jade rambled even though her brain was telling her to put a sock in it, "Have you applied as well? I did not see you in the selection room."

"No, I am already a permanent member of the household," The grey eyed man cocked his head with mild curiosity.

"Is it any good working over here? I know beggars can't be choosers but I still want to know whether the benefits of working in such a high pressure job are worth it. I would rather take my chances as a clerk if this occupation has me murdered in my sleep," Jade blurted out even more embarrassing nonsense that made her want to weep but at least her whininess sounded manly.

"This is the Royal Place," The man now had a hint of a smile on his face, "Do not expect roses and butterflies."

"Who wants roses and butterflies after all we are," cough, "men who like," cough, "manly thingsandallthat."

The man's returning look was rather blank and Jade knew he must think her completely mad.

"I think the written tests are about to start. I think I should go," Jade made excuses that were nowhere near the truth as she backed away with little finesse not knowing she had dropped something from her coat pocket. It was already too late to call for her when Prince Luke saw the small piece of parchment lying on the floor with Bertha's name attached to it. His curiosity increased.

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