Chapter 16- Congratulations

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I walked out to the porch, with the bowl with salad, were Ashton and David sat, before I sat down beside David and opposite from Ashton. LeAnne came out just a few minutes later with the potato salad and David had the grilled meat laying at the table. ”Let’s dig in! Ashton?” David gave Ashton the bowl with salad. ”So can you tell us what you did in New York?” Ashton asked. LeAnne laughed and so did David. ”Haha, no, not that” Ashton laughed with them and I could not help but smile myself. ”I mean did you visit The Statue of Liberty, for example?” ”Yes, we did!” LeAnne answered. ”We took a guided tour, around the city” ”With a helicopter” David filled in. Ashton smiled. ”That’s nice” ”We had a great time” ”I bet” ”Maybe all four of us should visit sometime” LeAnne said as she looked at me. ”Wouldn’t it be strange?” I asked. ”No, why?” She asked as she glaring at me. ”Because... ehm...” ”Because you two are together and me and Apple isn’t” Ashton  answered and I smiled a thankful smile at him. ”It doesn’t matter, right?” ”Right” I said as I rolled my eyes. It would be more than awkward if the four of us would go to New York. LeAnne and David would be happily in love and me and Ashton would just be... Happy? LeAnne would talk no-stop about me and Ashton dating. Something that will never happen. 

After the dinner we walked in, because it started to get cold. We sat down in the living room. LeAnne and David in the couch and me and Ashton in an armchair each. ”When will your tour start, Ashton?” LeAnne asked. ”In one and a half week, on Sunday” Ashton answered. ”That’s soon” ”Yes, but it’s gonna be so much fun.” Ashton said as his smile grew. ”We have rehearsal almost everyday, and I’m exhausted afterwards, but it will be worth it. Having shows at home is something special” Ashton continued. ”When will you be back home?” I asked. ”I will be home over Christmas, but then leave again. The tour will be over the day before new years” Ashton said and I nodded. I counted the weeks in my head. It was seven weeks until new years, it was a long time. ”Speaking of New Years” LeAnne began. ”Have you guys any plans?” I shook my head. The two previously years I have spent new years with Nathan and his friends. We had a great time, even if I didn’t know his friends that well, they had amazing parties. I wonder what Nathan is doing right now? Is he sleeping? Working? Reading? With another girl? I hope he is sleeping or reading. I can’t see him with someone else, definitely not the one he cheated with. What if they are a couple? A happy, lovely couple? Nathan is like (Or at least was like) my family and I wish him all luck in life, but just not with her. I wished him all luck in life, with me by his side.  ”I will probably spend it in Melbourne, with the band, because it’s where we have our last show” Ashton interrupted my thoughts.  ”Okay, me and David was planing on having a party, celebrating the new year of course and then it’s our first new year as a married couple” LeAnne looked at David before she kissed him. They are so in love. Ashton looked at me and I smiled at him. He smiled back. ”Shall we go, so you guys can have some privacy?”Ashton asked, and LeAnne pulled away from David. David laughed and so did Ashton, while LeAnne blushed. ”Anyways I would love to come, but I’m not sure that I will be able to make it. I will be so tired and it’s a long drive” Ashton said. ”I understand” LeAnne said. ”But if you have time, it’s just to show up!” ”Thanks” ”Apple?” LeAnne looked at me. ”Well, I don’t have any other plans. So yeah, I’ll be there” I said. ”Great!” LeAnne clapped her hands in front of her. ”I’ll try to make it though” Ashton said as he smiled. His eyes met mine and I smiled back. Ashton’s eyes is hypnotising and breathtaking beautiful. His laugh is adorable, but the thing I like the most is when he looks into my eyes and smile. A wide pretty smile, showing his white, shiny teeth.  Every time he smiles I can’t help but smile myself. ”Great!” LeAnne said as she smiled at Ashton. ”We have waited the whole evening, LeAnne and I can’t hold it in anymore” David said to LeAnne, as he laid his arms around her shoulders. ”Okay” LeAnne smiled as she nodded. ”We need to tell you something” LeAnne said as she smiled. ”Okay..?”  I said. What will they tell us that they have waited for the whole evening? ”Well, when we were in New York, I got food poisoning” LeAnne began. ”What?” ”Yeah, but I’m fine” LeAnne did a hand gesture, to prove she was fine. ”But, the doctors had done a lot of tests and blood samples...” ”So?” I asked. What was this about? ”I’m pregnant!” LeAnne spilled out. ”What?” Both me and Ashton said surprised. ”Yes, I’m pregnant. Three months gone” ”Congratulations” Ashton said with a huge smile. ”Yeah, congratulations” I filled in. I was still a little surprised about the fact that she was pregnant. ”Thank you!” Both David and LeAnne said. ”We are so happy, I can’t believe we are having a baby. Just imagine a little David running around” I smiled at her. ”I’m happy for you” I said. ”Thank you!” 

 Around midnight me and Ashton shared a cab. The evening was better than expected. It was more like four friends hanging out, instead of a couple dinner. ”So they are having a baby” Ashton said.  ”Yes, I’m so happy for them” I said with a smile. ”Me too. LeAnne is overwhelmed” ”Yeah, of course. She has always wanted a family” ”Yeah, David too. They make each other complete” Definitely” ”Do you want children?” Ashton asked. ”Later in life I guess, I’m still too young. But yeah, I love children” I answered. Ashton smiled. ”What about you?” ”One day I would love to have children too, but not now. I would love to have a big family”  I nodded. ”Me too. But that’s mostly because I grew up as the only child” I am twenty one, I wouldn’t be ready to have a child now, but hopefully in the future. Even though I know LeAnne and David are madly in love, I think they are to young to start a family. ”I know they are happy in love and everything, but have a child at twenty-one is very young” I said and Ashton nodded. ”It is, but they seem ready” ”I hope so” The cab stopped at the street beside my apartment. Ashton followed me out of the car. ”I had a great night. I’m glad that you came” Ashton said with a smile as he leaned to the car door, with his hands in his pockets. ”Yeah, me too. See you on Friday” I said. ”Maybe we can grab a coffee or something, tomorrow?” Ashton asked. I smiled at him. ”Yeah, sure” Ashton nodded before he pulled me in for a hug. ”You can give me a call” ”I will” His hug was warm and cozy. I feel comfortable in his arms. He held me tight and I didn’t want to let go, but eventually I had to. ”Good night Apple” Ashton said. ”Good night” Ashton opened the door to the cab, and sat down at the seat.  I walked up to the apartment and after I brushed my teeth and removed my make up I went to bed, with my phone. I had a text message from Ashton ”Good night Apple! I’m looking forward to our coffee tomorrow, sweet dreams xx Ash” I smiled for myself. I was looking forward to our coffee tomorrow too, and it wasn’t because I was craving for take out coffee, strangely I knew it was because I got to see Ashton and his beautiful eyes and hear his adorable laugh.   

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