Chapter 35- Trust Issues

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I had totally forgot that my mom and Steven would come over. ”Shit” I walked up from bed, took a sip from my coffee. ”You have two choices” I said to Ashton. ”Okay?” He said. ”Either you sneak out, or you meet my mom” I said as I put my shorts on. ”I would love to meet your mom” Ashton said with a smile, before he sat up. I gave him his shirt and he smiled at me before he put it on. I quickly changed into my own t-shirt. ”You just came over, okay? You can’t tell her that you slept here, even if it’s probably pretty obvious-” ”Are you nervous?” Ashton asked and I shook my head. But, I was. Ashton meeting my mom will be... strange. She knows about him and my developed feelings but I don’t want to introduce him as my boyfriend to her. And she also knows about London which I hope she doesn’t bring up. ”Is it okay for me to meet her, or do you want me to leave?” Ashton asked. ”No, of course you should meet her.” I said, even if I was a little unsure. ”She can be a little out going, so don’t take her to serious” I said. ”Okay” Ashton said as we heard the doorbell ring again. ”And now she is probably angry because I don’t open, so” I said as I began to walk to the hall. Ashton laughed and followed me. I opened the door and my mom smiled at me. ”Apple!” She said happily before she hugged me. ”Hi” I hugged her tight back. ”It took you forever to open, what were you doing in there?” She said and let go of me. ”Yeah” I mumbled with a frown. I was in a middle of a make out, I’m sorry. I rolled my eyes for myself before I hugged Steven. ”Hi” I said. ”Hi Apple! Is everything okay?” He asked. ”Yes, it’s perfect” I said. They walked in and Ashton showed up. ”This is Ashton” I introduced him to my mom and Steven. My mom looked surprised at Ashton. ”Hi” She said and stretched her hand out. ”Hi, it’s nice to meet you. I’m Ashton” Ashton said and my mom smiled.  ”Nice to meet you too Ashton, I’m Tori, Apple’s mom” Ashton greeted Steven too. My mom looked confused at me, like she wondered what Ashton was doing here. ”He came over for a coffee” I explained and my mom nodded. I knew she didn’t believe me. She knows when I lie and I bet she knew he stayed the night. ”Right, is it any coffee over for us, or should we go and get some in town and let you finish yours?” She asked and I could feel my cheeks turn red, like a tomato. ”No, it’s ready for you too” I said and walked into the kitchen. With all three of them behind me. ”It’s a very nice apartment” Steven said. He has never been here. ”Thank you” I said and poured them each a cup. Steven walked out from the kitchen, probably to see my apartment. ”I’ll go and get our cups” Ashton said and I nodded. ”Thanks” Ashton disappeared. ”Whatever you do, don’t bring up London. I haven’t told him yet” I said and looked at my mom. ”Okay, I won’t” She said and I smiled thankfully. ”Are you like together now?” She asked. ”We are sort of friends” I said. ”Which means what?” ”I don’t know... I just don’t want to put a label on it. I don’t want to tangle things. I don’t want to be in relationships at the moment” ”Because of Nathan” ”Mostly” I answered. ”He has done it hard for me to trust people” I continued just before Ashton showed up with the two coffee cups ”Here” He said and gave me it, without looking at me. Did he hear our conversation? I didn’t feel like I said something wrong, just maybe that Ashton thought we were in a relationship at the moment... Which we kind of were. 

Ashton decided to go back to his place, just an hour after my mom and Steven came. ”Can I call you later?” I asked Ashton as he pulled his shoes on. I wanted to talk to him about us and tell him I wasn’t ready for a relationship. ”Yeah, sure” Ashton said. He kissed me on my cheek before he left. He must have heard us (me and mom) or something that made him want to leave. I thought he wanted to meet my mom and spend time with her. ”Did he leave already?” My mom asked surprised. ”Yeah, he had some banding to do” I lied. ”Banding?” My mom asked. I have heard Ashton say it a few times, but I didn’t realised upon till now that it wasn’t a real word. ”It’s something with his band, I don’t know” I said and shrugged. I didn’t want Ashton to be angry with me. I just don’t want to rush into things and that mostly Nathan’s fault but also London. I sat down at my couch and so did my mom. ”Are you angry or upset?” She asked. ”No, I just don’t want Ashton to be angry or upset with me” ”Is he?” ”I don’t know. It feels like we are in a relationship because we do things couples do, but since I’m moving to London...” ”I understand, but you need to tell him about London as soon as possible. It will break him, I see the way he looks at you” ”How does he look at me?” ”With love, and every time he is around, you shine.” ”You saw all this and you have seen us together for one hour” I said surprised. ”When two people are in love, it shines through their smiles and eyes” She said and I nodded. ”Okay, but about London, I planned to tell him last night” ”So he slept over? He didn’t just come for coffee?” I shook my head and looked down at my lap, embarrassed. I was caught. ”Anyways I chickened out” ”Why are you afraid to tell him?” ”I’m afraid to loose him” ”As a friend or as a lover?” ”As a friend” I said. A few seconds of silence, just like she was waiting for me to say it. ”And as a lover” I continued. ”Yeah, I thought so!” She said. ”But you are still sure you want to move?” ”Yes, I need to move. I can’t change my dream just because of a guy. I have done it before and it didn’t end well. My life was around Nathan and when I didn’t have him, I had nothing” ”I see, and I know you will make good decisions.” ”But?” I asked, I knew she wanted to say something more. ”I just hope you move for the right reasons and not because you are afraid of falling in love" 

I decided to move to London way before I new my feelings for Ashton would be this strong but was I afraid of love? Like my mom said? I have tried calling him but he hasn’t answered. One last try. I thought for myself. I dialled his number and after a few signals he actually answered. ”Hi, it’s Ashton!” He said. ”Hi, it’s me. Apple” I said. ”You haven’t answered on my previous calls” I began. ”No, I have spent sometime in the studio, I didn’t hear it” Ashton explained. ”Oh, are you still there, am I interrupting something?” I asked. ”No!” Ashton asked shortly. ”Why did you have to leave so fast? I thought you wanted to meet my mom” ”I did meet her” Ashton said. He seemed annoyed. ”Tell me what’s wrong” I begged. ”Nothing” Ashton answered. ”I know something is bothering you. Just tell me” A few seconds of silence and it ended with me breaking it. ”You heard me and my moms conversation, right?” ”You don’t trust me”Ashton mumbled. ”I never said I don’t trust you. I just have a problem with trusting people, in general” ”I understand that Nathan was hard to come over, but you told me you are over him, so why can’t we just be a real couple? Like boyfriend/girlfriend? Have I done something wrong?” Ashton asked. ”No, of course not. You are perfect.” I sighed. Should I tell him the reason why I don’t wan to get involved? ”But you don’t want to rush things, right?” Ashton asked. ”To be honest I don’t want to go through another heartbreak” ”I won’t break your heart, Apple! I would never ever do something like Nathan did to you” ”Nathan said the same and see what happened!” I almost shouted in the phone. ”Why do we have to put a label on it? Why do we have to say boyfriend/girlfriend why can’t we just be us? You and I?” ”You and I?” Ashton asked. I nodded We didn’t have to be like everyone else. ”You and I” Ashton repeated and I knew he was smiling so I did the same. ”You and I” I confirmed. 

So a little conflict, but it ended good, right? :) So when will Apple tell Ashton about London?? 


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