Chapter 7- Drunk Dancing

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A gold digger? They thought I was a gold digger? The article made me upset and sad. I was nothing like a gold digger. I just found out Ashton was a part of ’5 Seconds of Summer’. Why did people have preconceptions of someone they didn’t even know? To be honest I do too, but not about celebrities and there love life. I actually  don’t care about who is dating who. I don’t care because I don’t want to read about happy people in love, it breaks my heart even more. I’m happy that they are in love, it’s just that my ego takes over and wished I was just as happy. Happy with Nathan. I put the magazine on my bag before I started to walk to my work. Since LeAnne won’t be here this week, I bet it will be a hard week. No one to have lunch with. I don’t know many people in Sydney. It’s just LeAnne and Ashton. I wonder if Ashton has read the article? I wonder if he believe’s it. I hope he doesn’t but, who knows, I’ve been wrong about guys before. 

Last time I was out partying was when I bumped into Ashton, and I wasn’t planning on letting that happen again so I decided to have my own party, by myself in my apartment. The music was loud and the booze tastes amazing. While I was dancing around in my living room, I discovered that I have a very boring life. I don’t do anything on my spare time more than cry, watch movies or maybe get drunk. I clean my apartment sometimes and have a rock concert in my living room singing into my hairbrush. My life is miserable and everything started after Nathan. When I was together with him my life was perfect. I woke up beside him every morning, he kissed me good morning, he did me breakfast in bed and he drove me to my work. He was always there for me and was my best friend. But he also broke my heart. He cheated, and even if I didn’t want to admit it he was a terrible cook. I hated when he listen to ‘It’s my life’ with Bon Jovi with the highest volume and I hated that he never made the bed, or that he didn’t drink coffee, I mean who doesn’t like coffee? He said he didn’t like the bitter taste. When I’m sober I think about all the good things about Nathan, but when I get some alcohol in my system I think about all the things I hate about him. And to clear things out; I was not sober tonight. ”We are never, ever, ever getting back together. We are never, ever, ever getting back together. You go talk to your friends, talk to my friends, talk to me. But we are never, ever, ever, ever getting back together”  I sung my heart out to Taylor Swifts master hit, as I danced through the room. I wonder what Ashton does tonight? I turned the music down, before I stacked into my bedroom. I put my wine glass at my nightstand before I pulled out the drawer.  I found the white little note laying there and I dialled the number. ”Hi, it’s Ashton” Ashton answered after a few tones. ”Hi Ashton, it’s Apple” I slurred through the phone. ”Hi” ”So what are you doing?” I continued to slur. ”Are you drunk?” Ashton asked. ”No” I laughed. ”I just had a glass of wine” I continued. I was definitely drunk. ”So what are you doing?” I asked again, trying to sound sober. ”Nothing, just watching a movie” He answered. ”Do you want to come over? I have wine” I said. Ashton laughed. ”No, I don’t think thats the best idea” Ashton said. ”Please” I begged. ”Really?” ”Of course” If it wasn’t for the wine I would never call Ashton, and guess I wouldn’t have the fake confidence either. ”I would love to have you here!” ”Okay, see you in ten?” ”Yes!” I said, over joyed that we would join me. I hung up the phone and laid it on the night stand beside my wine glass. I took the wine glass in my hands, but it slipped off my hand and I dropped the glass at the ground. ”Shit” I mumbled for myself. I walked into the bathroom to get a towel. I looked at my reflection in the mirror. I looked terrible. I had mascara all over my face. I washed my face in cold water, before I put a new layer with mascara on my eyelashes and some blush on my cheeks. I think the cold water made me realise what I’ve actually have done. I invited Ashton over. What will he think of me now? That I’m a pathetic with an drinking problem? Before I could call him and uninvited him, I hear him knocking on the door. I sigh before I walked to the door. I was a mess and even my apartment was. What the hell have I gotten myself into?  

I hope you guys like the chapter and I'm sorry that it is a little short, but I thought it was a good end, haha. Next chapter will hopefully be up tomorrow.


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