Chapter 46- Fairytale

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 To wake up by the sound of birdsong and two strong arms holding you tight is probably the best way to wake up. Sunday morning and even if it was a bit cold in the air, it seemed like it would be a beautiful day. Mine and Ashton’s ’running away’ have been so much more than I expected. Maybe it seems tedious to spend about two days in the middle of nowhere, but I had a great time. I never expected this trip to be so romantic as it became. To get a Ed Sheeran song played and sung for you is one thing I never thought would happen, but Ashton made the impossible possible. I just never though someone would put so much time and concern on me to do such a beautiful thing. Not even Nathan. Nathan was not as romantic as Ashton was. Nathan did the obvious meanwhile Ashton didn’t. Of course I loved that Nathan took me out for Valentines, to a romantic restaurant but that’s what every couple did. With Ashton I just feel like he puts more into it. We could spend last night on a fancy restaurant and I wouldn’t mind, but instead Ashton and I ran away. I could stay here, together with Ashton another day, or maybe even two days. Just to spend time with him, was so lovely. I could stay here forever, as long as I had Ashton by my side and perhaps some food. ”How long have you been awake?” I heard Ashton mumbled. I looked up at him. ”Just a few minutes” I answered. ”What were you thinking about?” ”You and the fact that I could stay at this place for another night” ”I would love to stay here another day too” Ashton said with a smile. ”It feels like we are in a fairytale. I have had a great time here, together with you” ”Definitely” I agreed. ”It’s like a fairy tale” ”Yes, just You and I” Ashton smiled widely. ”Just You and I” He quoted before he bended down and kissed me slowly. 

Unfortunately our fairytale had an end. Ashton parked the car outside of my apartment. ”So” I mumbled and Ashton looked at me. ”So” He indicated with a smile. ”This is the end” I said. ”Don’t say it like that, it’s just the end of a weekend. We need to do this again, just spend time outside this chaotic city, together”  I agreed what Ashton told me. But as we drove home reality hit me and our fairytale ran out of time. And in my reality comes stress and anxiety over London. ”If you say so” ”What do you mean?” Ashton asked. ”Nothing” I sighed and shook my head. ”Then why would you sigh? You always sigh when you are in a thought. Didn’t you have a good time? Did I disappoint you?” I shook my head. ”No, you didn’t disappoint me, Ashton, of course not” ”Was last night not what you thought it would be? How you imagined it?” ”What? Of course it was” ”Nathan was better, right? You think Nathan is better in bed than I am and you regret we did it” ”What are you talking about?” I asked. ”I didn’t regret it, not at all. Last night was perfect” I continued as I looked into Ashton’s eyes. ”Why do you doubt yourself?” I asked. ”You have spent two years with the same guy, of course it makes me doubtful” ”Why? Last night was perfect, stop with all of the doubts” ”You think last night was perfect?” ”Of course. You were perfect” I admitted. ”And so were you. Absolutely amazing” I kissed Ashton before I walked out from the car. ”I’ll give you a call” He said. ”I hope you do” I said and Ashton smiled. ”I will call you right when I will be home and have access to a phone” I nodded as I closed the door. I took my backpack. ”And Apple?” Ashton shouted as he pulled down the window screen.”Yeah?” I asked and turned around. ”I know you don’t want me to say it, but this feels like falling in love...” ”No, don’t say it” I shouted back, even though I wanted to sound mad I smiled, from the inside and out. ”We’re falling in love” He said and I shook my head. The thing that made this even more cute was the fact that he quoted ‘Kiss Me’. I could hear Ashton laugh as I walked up to the door and then I heard how he drove off. 

I took a warm and much needed shower before I sat down in my coach. After this week things is more tangled than they were before. How will I tell Ashton about London now? How can I tell him when he is falling in love with me? And the worst part is that I might fall in love with him too. I shook my head for myself. I can’t fall in love with him. Not now, not later. I wish I had a button that could turn of feelings. The weekend was amazing, to say it least. I have never felt so careless before. The thing is just that I need to go to London. I can’t just bail on this now. I have looked forward to London for about three months now, and just because I might be in love with Ashton, London is still up. I will miss him so much, but I can’t let down my goals just because of some guy. Alright, Ashton isn’t just some guy. Ashton is a fairytale writer. His the writer for a fairytale with the title ‘You and I” 

So back Apple is back to 'reality' and it's only a few weeks until London, when will she finds the courage to tell Ashton? Thanks for reading :) 


P.S It's been some trouble with my story, or I thought I publish a chapter, but it didn't save for some reason, but now I hope everything is back to normal :)


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