Chapter 10- Coincidence?

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The week passed and suddenly it was Friday. The week has been on different levels. It’s no longer only Nathan that I keep thinking of.  I keep thinking of all the hate I have received. It’s hard and I thought my heart was already too broken to handle anything else, but I was wrong. I feel literally pain in my chest. Ashton and I aren’t a thing. We are friends and I thought it was fine by just us knowing that, but the hate has gone too a far. I receive hate through Twitter and even my mail. We have been seen together three times (When we left the club, when we left his apartment the next morning and the wedding) and people are already assuming we are a couple. The hate was the hardest but also the paparazzi is hard to take. Every time I go out I think of what I’m wearing, if I have any make up on, if my shoes matches with my outfit. Things I never thought of before. Today was my first boxing pass, and I guess I need to get out some of the anger I have for paparazzi and the people sending me hate. I walked into the gym, where I met Veronica. ”Hi” She said with a smile. ”Hi” I answered. ”The dressing rooms is over there...” She pointed to a door were it stood ‘Ladies’ with big, black letters. ”Thank you” I walked in. I put my bag in a locker and changed into my training outfit. A white t-shirt and black shorts. I put my hair back in a ponytail before I walked out. I was nervous, but excited. I have been waiting for this for over a week. I was ready to move on. There was three other people standing together with Veronica when I got out from the dressing room. Two guys, very tall and muscular and one girl more in my size. ”So, I think we are ready to start” She said. ”I’m Veronica and will take care of the workout for these four weeks, so follow me, so we can get started.” We followed Veronica into a room, a room with around ten punching bags. ”Can you close the door, Carrie?” Veronica asked a girl, with red long hair. ”Of course” She answered before she closed the door to the room. The room was big and all the walls was in white and on one wall it was only mirrors. There was a stereo in the corner and also a sink. ”We are starting with a warmup, just to get the heat up. I will play some music and we will run around in the hall” Veronica walked to a stereo and before she pushed play the door opened.  I looked to the door. No way! What a coincidence. ”I’m sorry I’m late” Ashton apologised as he closed the door behind him. ”It’s okay, we were just about to start” What was the possibilities for me and Ashton ending up at the same gym? ”Well, hi” Ashton said when he saw me, with a surprised smile. ”Hi, what a coincidence” I answered. ”Or maybe it’s faith” Ashton said with a big smile. 

I had punched the bag in front of me with everything I had inside of me. I was angry, mad and disappointed. In everything and everybody. And punching the bag felt great. I could get out all of that anger I had towards Nathan, my boss for sooner or later firing me, the paparazzi and the hate.  For once I felt strong. Strong in myself. I was more confident and it was only after one workout. ”See you next Friday. You all did great” Veronica said. ”So, I didn’t know you were into boxing” Ashton said, as we walked to the dressing room. ”I’m not I just thought it would be a good way to recover” Ashton smiled as he nodded. ”You are right, you had tough and hard punches, I wouldn’t like to get into a fight with you” I laughed at him. ”Thank you. I have a lot going on right now, I guess I need to get it out” ”Have something more happened?” He asked with concern ”I might loose my job” ”What? Why?” ”Because I’ve been late a few mornings...” ”Oh, well, I hope you get it together” ”Thank you” I said as I smiled at Ashton. I walked into the dressing room. I wonder if I should’ve said something more to Ashton. Something about the hate I have received. I don’t blame Ashton for anything but I hope we can talk through it. He can help me with it, because I think he has received hate too. 

I arrived home around eight, with Chinese food from a store just down town. I had no energy at all, I was tired, hungry and my stomach hurt. I sat down in my living room and ate my food. I thought the stomachache was because I was hungry but the ache continued. I went into the bathroom and I realised I just got my period. ”Fuck” I mumbled for myself. I hate when I get my period. I have stomachache, back pain,  I’m always hungry, tired and I’m craving for chocolate. This is the worst thing about being a girl, bleeding for a week. This week has been hard, and it ended with my period. Fantastic! I changed into my pyjamas and brushed my teeth before I went to bed. I could sleep away my pain. As usually all I kept thinking about was Nathan. I miss him. Especially lonely nights like this. I feel lonely over all actually. I have no friends in Sydney. I have LeAnne, and she is in New York, the week I need her the most. I have Ashton, if he is my friend... At least he has been there for me when no one else has. Ashton is a sweet guy and I just wish I had met him in another state of my life. Or maybe I just wish Nathan didn’t cheat or break up with me so we could live happily ever after. I really thought Nathan was the one. I saw him as my husband, I saw him as the father of my future children, I saw Nathan as the man of my life. He was the man of my life. I thought we were meant to be forever. I hope he knows what he's missing. We both had talked about the future, our future, and he was as involved as I was. He wanted a future with me as much as I wanted one with him. 

The time went by and I haven’t slept at all, it was almost half past ten. My stomach and back still hurts. I picked up my phone from the nightstand. I needed someone to keep my mind on other things. ”Are you awake? //Apple” I texted Ashton. I know it’s probably a bad idea, but I need someone to talk to, and LeAnne isn’t home. ”Almost a sleep ;) xx” I got a text back and I felt guilty. It was night, and he was asleep. What did I think with? Clearly it wasn’t my brain. ”I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you. I text you tomorrow instead” ”No, it’s okay. What were you thinking about? xx” ”Can I give you a call?” ”Always xx” I dial his number and he answered immediately. ”Hi” He said with a tired voice. ”I’m so sorry, you were almost asleep and I...” ”Apple, relax, I’m fine. I almost fell asleep on the couch.” Ashton interrupted. ”Oh, okay! I just needed someone to talk to... I feel alone” I said. I sat up in bed, and leaned against the bedside. ”Alone? Why?” ”I moved to a new city were I don’t know anybody, I just miss my home and my parents” ”You have me” Ashton said before he laughed a brief laugh. ”Yeah, I know, but I can’t talk with you with girl stuff, like I can with my mom or with LeAnne” ”Girl stuff? Try me” Ashton said and I smiled for myself. ”I just got my period” I said. I know it’s strange to talk to Ashton about this, but he asked me, and I needed someone to talk to. ”Oh, are you okay?” He asked, and I could hear how awkward he thought this was. ”I’m fine” I said with a laugh. ”My stomach hurts like hell and so does my back, but I’m fine” I continued. ”You sure?” He asked. ”Yeah, thanks” ”Do you have everything at home, tampons and stuff?” I nodded. ”I’ll have until tomorrow at least.” ”Okay, good!” A brief silence spread through the phones. ”So you believe in coincidence?” Ashton asked. ”What?” I answered. ”You said it was a coincidence that we met at the gym earlier” ”Right, well I don’t know... What about you?” ”I believe in faith. What’s meant to be, will be” ”Yeah so do you believe it was meant for us to meet?” I asked. ”We have met at a café, a club, a wedding and a gym pass... so yeah. I defiantly believe it was suppose for us to meet.” I smiled for myself. I think we met for a reason too. We have met at strange places and we have built a little relationship, or friendship. It’s strange, and in short amount time, but it was a friendship. ”Don’t you think it’s strange that we just met, like two weeks ago?” I asked. ”Strange?” ”Yeah, cause I feel like we have known each other for more than two weeks” ”Yeah, you’re right. It feels like I have known you longer, friendship at first sight?” Ashton said with a cute laugh. ”I like that!” I said as I laughed with him. Suddenly at the other end of the phone, I heard a noise, very loud. ”Where are you? It’s very loud.” I asked. ”Yeah, it was... ehm... The television” Ashton mumbled. ”Oh, what are you watching?” I asked. ”Just a movie, nothing special. What about you? What are you doing?” Ashton asked, and quickly changed the subject to me. ”I can’t sleep, so I just sit here, talking to you” I said. ”Have you stomachache?” Ashton asked, and he sounded concern. ”Yes, I do” I answered. ”I know it’s hard babe to sleep at night, don’t you worry. ‘Cause everything’s gonna be alright” Ashton sang, a part of the chorus of Justin Bieber’s ’Be Alright’. I smiled at myself, because he made that into a period song in somehow, but I liked it. ”Haha, thank you!” I said and I could hear Ashton laugh at the other end. Ashton’s laugh is very cute. It’s very giggly, but in a male way. He has a very cute laugh. I suddenly heard the bell at the door ring. ”It’s the doorbell, should I open?” I asked Ashton. It was soon eleven and who knows who is out right now. ”Yeah, you can talk to me on the way” Ashton answered. ”What if it’s a creep?” I asked ”I’ll protect you!” ”Haha...Thank you” I stood up and walked out to the hall. I nervously and slowly opened the door. I didn’t know what to expect but it was definitely not what I saw. ”A creep, huh?” Ashton said with a grin on his perfect shaped lips. 

Aw, so cute! Ashton showed up, haha ;) I hope you like the chapter, next chapter will be up tomorrow


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