Chapter 3: Sensitive Points

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<~Shadow's P.O.V~>
How did I get caught up in this? I asked myself, sitting awkwardly in front of my rival and a gang of boys.
Sighing to myself, I put my hands up and stood up, taking a moment to grab a cigarette from my pocket and stepping outside.

I scoffed leaning against the wall, lighting the cigar. Sighing, I look up to see it's a starless night with the full moon up. Smoke escaped from my mouth, tears pricking. I let out a soft sniff before staring at the white circle in the sky. 

“I miss you two…” I softly spoke. A tear escaped, trickling down my pale face. I angrily wipe it away, taking another inhale of my cigar…


“MOM! DAD!” 

Running towards the beds that are covered by white sheets covered with specks of crimson on them. Tears running down my cheeks… 

“, S-Shadow…” Mom whispered.

“N… No...No…”


“NO!!! DON'T LEAVE ME!!!” Tears running down like a river, my vision was blurry. I could only remember glimpses of doctors. Nurses trying to comfort me. 

“” My legs failed me, falling on my knees, my body felt so weak. As the feelings went away, I could feel my eye spark… slowly… disappear…

<~End Of Flashback~>

“Viper? You good?” a certain brunette boy asked. Snapping out of my thoughts to face Preston, I shivered at the realization that I was so deep in thought that I couldn’t hear his footsteps approaching me.

“Yeah. Yeah, I’m good,” I replied, whipping away what remained of my tears.

“Stop lying,” he sighed, placing a hand on my shoulder. I flinched at the touch before relaxing.

“I just wish I could have died instead of them...why is life so unfair?” I whispered. “I just miss them so much…”

“Well, death doesn’t discriminate. It takes, and takes, and takes, and it takes.” Preston says.

“We do not speak of this. Never. If I heard one single word of mentioning it, you're good as dead. Got it?” I growled, causing Preston to chuckle.

“Your secret's safe with me, ” he whispered. I gave him a small smile before turning back to my emotionless self when I heard the door hinges creaked. 

“You guys good?” Mitch, who opened the door, asked. 

“Yeah!” Preston replied back before turning towards me and gestured me to follow him. I stride behind him, closing the door. I noticed how messy Mitch and Jerome's hair and their clothes. I spotted markings on the Canadian's neck and smirk.

“What happened when I was out there?” I asked, nonchalantly. Mitch's face turned red from embarrassment, Jerome chuckled wrapping his arms around his neck making his face a darker shade of red. 

“Vikk dared Jerome to fudge Mitch, ” Elizabeth replied, with a giggle. 

Does she smile all the time? God, it's annoying…

I went over and sat down between Preston and Jerome. “Who's turn is it?” I asked. 

“Well technically it's your turn, ” Jerome replied, cuddling a reddened face Mitch. 

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