"So now that the room is clear I want you all to pull up a chair and take a here." Sebastian said he looked over to Santana and Sam. "I've got it handled guys. You can leave me to this."

"The hell I am."

"Why Lima Heights. Afraid we're going to squash you?"

"You ain't got nothing on my girls' feminine charm, Fievel." Santana said. "We are going to crush your sorry asses."

"You wish." Sebastian said with as smirk as Sam pulled Santana away from the Choir Room.

"Come on, Santana let Sebastian do his thing while we get some coffee from the Faculty."


Once the choir room was clear, Santana closed the door behind her while the boys settled around Sebastian.

After a brief introduction, Alec interrupted. "What's this little meeting about, What we need is to work on our set list for the competition."

"Hold that thought." Sebastian said. "I need to clear things up or at least get to know our successors. What is your team about."

"Just like Mr. Evans said, we are an all boys team performing in the Show Choir Competition. Just like the New Directions." Seth said. "We just haven't gotten that much luck in performances."

"No what we need is more discipline and order." Alec said. "We need to stop lollygagging and treating this like a game."

"Is that so?"

"Yes." Alec said his head raised. "We are not the New Directions, we are not the Warblers. We need to prove to the show choir community that the Duly Noted is not a team to be scoffed at."

"Alright. But I ask you. What is the Duly Noted?"

Alec shut his mouth with a frustrated glare.

"You know what I see." Sebastian said. "I don't see a team. I see a bunch of kids not knowing what they're doing being lead around on a leash. I see a dictatorship."

"You're one to talk." Axe, one of the council members said. "I know all about you. You are Sebastian Smythe Captain of the Warblers. You were known as the first and only member of the Warbler to lose his Captaincy but have the audacity to stick around."

"And regain my position as Captain." Sebastian rebuked. "And you know why?"

"Because they couldn't find anyone better?"

"Because I was a leader who learned from my mistakes." Sebastian said with conviction. "I learned to trust and rely on my brothers when times are tough. I learned to be a leader. Not a boss."

"Come on guys, let's not fight." Richard said. "Maybe some advice from the Warblers wouldn't be such a bad thing."

"Look, we are not the Warblers." Alec said. "We are not some brotherhood that was born from years of acapella."

"Then why are you trying so hard to be them?" Sebastian said crossing his arms. "Mismatching pieces of a suit and calling it a uniform. You think that the Warblers were a group of boys who sang harmonies and kept their nose clean to protect some image that was over fantasized by the student body. I can tell you the Warblers are just like any other boy group."

He looked at them all in the eye

"That is a lie." Axe said. "Mr. Anderson said..."

"Blaine Anderson was at Dalton Academy for one year. The next two years he transferred to McKinley to spend some time with his friends as well as his boyfriend here. And unlike Blaine before I was the Captain, I was part of the council. I handled the complaints and cases that were sent to the Warbler council in regards to all. And I mean All infractions of any Warbler." Sebastian said "From something as minor as a failing grade to noise complaints from teachers and students alike. We were all just as unruly as any boy group. We just knew how to keep each other in line when it was needed."

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