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Nari waltzed into the coffee shop the next day and quickly hung up her coat.  She was on cloud nine. 

"What's got you so perky today," laughed a warm voice.

Nari turned to see Jun leaning against the wall, his arms folded, eyes smiling at her.  "It just so happens, my performance last night got me an A in my class!  The professor even said that Gina and I made a great pair and we should think about playing duets more often.  He said my expression with the music was really good.  I'm trying to not let his praise go to my head, but I think it already has."  She giggled and pressed her hands to her blushing cheeks.

"I think I agree," laughed Jun.  "You might not fit down the hall with that inflated ego of yours."

"Hey!" Nari laughed and removed her scarf, hanging it over her coat.  She smiled as seeing it always made her think of Nana and for some strange reason, that ridiculous Twitter account for Jimin's scarf.  "Hey, Jun?"


"I've tried not to bother you about what happened a few weeks ago, but I was really concerned about you.  You seemed troubled.  May I ask what happened?"  She spoke softly and timidly, afraid she was going to offend him or open up an old wound, but her curiosity was killing her.

"Ah," he sighed.  "Well, you see, I received a letter from our previous pianist."

"Ah, the woman now teaching in Sweden?"

"Yep, that's her.  After a long time of not hearing from her, she finally wrote.  I hadn't heard from her in so long it kind of shook me up, you know?"  He blinked several times and looked like he wanted to be anywhere but in the hall with Nari at that very moment. 

"I'm sorry, but I need to get back to the kitchen." He quickly turned and made his way to the kitchen area, leaving an even more confused Nari behind. 

"He'll tell you in his time.  She left an awfully big hole in his heart." 

Nari felt a warm hand on her shoulder and the soft voice of her boss.  "Well, I hope he is able to move past whatever is bothering him," she responded. 

"He is.  He's a strong person.  I haven't seen him this shaken up though since the day she left.  He hasn't even told me what she wrote in that letter.  Anyway, what kind of grade did you get?"

Nari beamed once again and her fists raised up by her cheeks as she blurted out, "An A!"

She grinned widely and Minnie laughed at her antics. 

"Well, that is something to be proud of.  You really did well.  Now, get out there and play me something just as beautiful."  Minnie shoved her young pianist gently down the hall and out to the performance corner. 

Nari laughed and nodded.  "Sure thing," she said, sitting down on the bench and removing the red felt cover.  She took a deep breath and with excitement sparking from her fingers, she began to play.

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