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Jimin nervously checked his hashtag.   He had waited several hours before checking just to give his fans time to respond.

He was not disappointed.

He found a tweet from a user name JimiNana2K. She seemed to be the one who made the scarf. Her profile was public and so her follower list was just begging to be sifted through. All...oh wow...

All two thousand and seven followers on her list.

Jimin gulped and began the daunting task of going through her Twitter follower list.  Everyone on her list seemed to be associated with BTS, with the exception of a few tweet bots.

He sighed and his eyes started to hurt.  He rubbed them and allowed them to readjust their focus.  This might take a while.

"Whatcha doing," said Jungkook, flopping down on the sofa beside him.  He held a snack bag in one hand, digging into it with the other.  Pulling out a chip, he popped it into his mouth, crunching loudly.

Jimin rolled his eyes towards the maknae and sighed.  "If you're going to eat in front of me," he said, licking his lips, "at least offer me one," he said, snatching the bag from the unsuspecting maknae.

Jungkook's eyes widened and his mouth formed a small 'o'.  "Hyung," he whined.

"I'm just messing with you.  Don't be so loud though, please," laughed Jimin, handing the bag back.

"Did you want one," asked Jungkook, holding the bag back out to his friend.

"No. On a diet, remember?"  He quickly went back to scrolling through the massive list of Twitter handles.

Jungkook frowned and leaned back against the sofa.  "I wish you would stop this diet business," he mumbled. "You're fine just the way you are."

"Hm?"  Jimin didn't hear what he said and never spared him a glance.

"Nothing," mumbled Jungkook, popping another chip into his mouth.  "What are you looking for?"

"That girl from the fansign the other day."  Jimin frowned and kept scrolling, his thumb starting to get a cramp.

"Nari? How are you going to find her?"  Jungkook leaned over Jimin's shoulder and stared hard at the screen.

"I posted a picture of me in my scarf that her sister made me.  I think her sister quoted the tweet or something so now I'm looking through her followers. There's a couple thousand.  This might take a while."  He sighed and ran a hand through his hair.  This was not how he anticipated spending his afternoon at all, but he was committed.

"Did you check who liked her tweet first?"  Jungkook munched loudly with his mouth open.

"Manners, maknae.  Manners."  Jimin clicked his tongue, thumping the younger boy on the head.

"Ouch," groaned Jungkook, rubbing his head.  "Well, did you?"

Jimin stared at Jungkook like he really was made of gold.  Of course he hadn't thought of that.  He rolled his eyes and quickly went back to the photo.  He opened up the list of people who liked the photo, and scrolled through till he found a user that did not have a username associated with BTS.


He giggled at the username. Ivory tickler? He pondered for a minute but couldn't figure it out. What is an ivory tickler? He nudged Jungkook who was still sitting next to him. "Hey, what does this name mean?" He showed his phone to Jungkook, who scrunched his face up as he thought for a moment. However, as expected of the golden maknae, he didn't have to think long.

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