Stupid school.

"This is all your fault!" She spatted, pushing me. I turned, clearly taken aback.

"Yeah right, like I was the one that started the fight" I retorted.

"You slapped me first, so yes, you did!"

We stood there, glaring at each other for what seemed like eternity until someone broke the silence.

"Amna" The girl shot a glare at me before turning to Anna.
I quickly recognized her. It was the Farhanna girl I met at Asaad's place.

She knew Amna? Wow. Just wow.

This wasn't good.

They both gave me one last look before walking away.

Was that why she attacked me at Asaad's place that day? Was Amna the one feeding her with information about me being the girl that was following him around in school? I really could not understand the link. I thought Amna liked Asaad. And from the way Farhanna acted that day, I thought she liked Asaad too. So if there was any hating that was supposed to be taking place, they were supposed to be hating each other right?
I shook my head and shrugged. I had more issues on my table bigger than those two.

The detention thing was clearly getting to her more than it was to me. Actually, I didn't think it bothered me. It gave me a reason to stay away from home a bit longer.
As I stepped out of the school eyes, I squinted my eyes. The sun shone a bit brighter today and I had to walk all the way home.


I sighed, taking slow steps, drowning into my thoughts. I couldn't bring myself to accept the fact that Ummi was actually sick. Something had to be done. There had to be a way out. I couldn't sit back and watch her die. No. I didn't realize I was starting to cry until I felt a tear roll down my cheek.

I paused, took a deep breath and wiped my tears.

Everything was going to be fine in shaa Allah.


"Elham, you have a visitor" my mom's faint voice shouted from downstairs. I had just gotten home about thirty minutes before and I was really trying to catch up on some sleep I missed.

But a visitor?

Who could It be? Iman? But my mom would not refer to her as a 'visitor'.

Oh no could it be Asaad? He was very much capable of showing up out of the blues like this.

It could be Amna or Farhanna.

But why would they pay me a visit?

I got dressed, picked up my phone and headed downstairs.

"Let me help you ma'am. You know, I love cooking. It's the one thing I'm really good at. My mom...."

"Yasmeen?" How couldn't I have guessed that?

I descended the staircase slowly and walked towards them. She was helping my mom with something in the kitchen ave rambling as usual.

"Elham. Surprised?"

"Sure am"

I gulped down a glass of water and turned to her.


I couldn't help but wonder why she was here.

My mom excused us and I cleared my throat.

She peeked abs when she was sure my mom wasn't close by, she turned to me.

'Well there's a party at my house today and Asaad and I thought to invite you" she smiled, chopping the vegetables in a very professional way that made me wonder if she actually went to one of those culinary schools.

"I don't do parties" I stated with a bored tone.

She arched a brow.

"You're throwing it?"

"No. My sister. It's my sister's birthday"

"Oh that's nice but I'm not the party type"

"Come on, everyone at school is going and it's high time you do something with your life"


Everyone at school was going which meant Amna was going and most probably the other girl.

The last thing I wanted was unnecessary drama. Plus parties were uncomfortable for Niqabis like me so.

"I'd love to go Yasmeen but I'm really not the party type"

"Too bad cuz Asaad and I are not taking no for an answer"

I sighed " You guys need to understand that it's just not my thing okay"

"Yeah yeah. You need to cheer up once in a while. I get you're a Niqabi but who says niqabis caht have fun  too?" And with that said, she rinsed her hands and pulled me upstairs.


"I'm having a bad feeling about this

The Niqabi Girl Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora