Chris and I can never agree on what look I should go for. He has a different idea of what glam is and I like glam but sometimes he can be a bit over the top, so Nikki usually steps in to settle the issue and handles the makeup aspect of my look. By the time it's all said and done, we look like we're ready to step out onto a Victoria's Secret runway.

The car service that Chris ordered is nothing but over the top. Which knowing him, you can never expect anything less. He is the boujee-ist of the boujee and will not stop until he gets what he wants. Men included. He had heard that anyone who is anyone takes this private car service while they are in Miami and it comes equipped with rolled out red carpet, karaoke, smoke machines, alcohol and things to dress up in for photo booth type sessions. Even as extra and ridiculous as it was, we had so much fun. By the time we got to the club we were all feeling it a little and ready to get inside and onto the dance floor.

As soon as we stepped out of our car, the bouncer motioned for us to come over and he let us all in ahead of the crowd. Part of me felt bad for skipping the line of people who had been waiting before us, but he had called us up to him and who were we to turn him down. We could feel the music in our chests before we were even in the building. The bass was beating strong and fast to popular song.

We were led through another set of doors by security and almost as soon as we had set foot through the them, a guy who I assume is a club promoter, came over to us and started chatting us up. A couple of hair flips and some eyelash batting, by Christopher might I add, and we were being seated in the VIP lounge area.

We all set our personal items down at the booth and made our way to the bar to keep this party going. I ordered a round for everyone and we cheers to our last night out all together as single women. I wasn't getting married for another two months but the way that all of our schedules were, this was the last time we would get a chance to do this before the actual wedding.

Like clockwork, Chris had snuck off to go flirt with one of the security guards that had been watching over the VIP area and tipsy Kendall had been unleashed onto the dance floor. She rushed straight to the middle of the large crowd of people dragging Nikki along behind her. I kept eyes on her sleek red ponytail and Nikki's blonde waves for about fifteen more seconds and then they had disappeared into a sea of people grinding and twerking.

I chuckled to my self and turned back to Marissa, who was probably the shyest of all my friends. She didn't really like to draw too much attention to herself when we went out. She was looking down at her drink and swirling it around as if to mix it together better. She had just went through a big breakup and I knew that this whole trip was probably making her remember what was now gone. She and Matt had been together for close to three years and they were even engaged at one point.

They were honestly what most people would call couple goals. They really seemed like they had everything going for them. Cute house, great jobs and they were about to start planning their wedding. That was, until a baby came into the picture. A baby that wasn't hers.

Turns out he had been sleeping with a co-worker for close to six months when he got her pregnant. It broke Marissa's heart into a million pieces. We were all there to help her pick up the pieces. It was a little over a year ago at this point but I know she still struggled a bit with it.

She caught me looking at her and she smiled taking a long sip. "I'm going to drink at least twelve more of those before we leave." She set the glass down and motioned for the bartender to keep them coming. I felt bad that she was starting to feel down so I grabbed her hand and drug her behind me, to where our other friends had disappeared to moments ago.

She was yelling at me over the music asking me what we were doing as I pulled her to the center of the floor. I turned around and started shaking my hips to the beat of the music while still holding her hands, forcing her to move along with me. "You have such a nice ass and I will be damned if I let it go to waste sitting over there for the rest of the night. Now shake it!"

For better, For worse | Louis Tomlinson |Where stories live. Discover now