chapter 4

547 19 16

Mr and Mrs William POV.

Honey wake up she said to her husband while he was in deep sleep,  wake up she said to him, as soon as he got up, we need to go get back our son, I heard a dream while in my sleep McCall was damn beating my poor boy, my angel, we need to do something she said as she broke out of tears, "sweetheart it was just a dream I said to her going back to my sleep", no it not she said making me to get up from the bed again a mother hunch is never wrong so what do you want us to do if it real, I mean what you saw in your dream I said to her with one of my eyebrows raised, well I will have to let my parent know about this. Yes Mrs William still have her parent alive and they still as strong as a bull and plus they were stinky rich parent I say a billionaires just that Mrs William want her own Money and never wanted there help or anything don't get me wrong they still talk to her but never got to know the present situation on ground.

They will be of help us, at least they will help Pay all the Debt we owing McCall and the bank , OK fine we call the up tomorrow I said going back to my sleep.

I woke up immediately to call my parents with Mr William by my side.

Conversation start.

Mrs William. Hello dad

Mrs William Dad. Hello Darling,why did you call so early, is their any problem

Mrs William. There is dad, I'm coming to you place tomorrow.

Mrs William Dad. No prob if you say so

Mrs William. Greet mum for me dad, tell her I bring her favourite cookies and tell her as well to make my husband his favourite pancakes.

Mrs William Dad. OK honey take care daddy loves you...

End of conversation.

Done, we book a flight for tomorrow I said to Mr William who was looking for his glasses, "we got no money for that honey", well I do, I have some savings and we need to go get our boy he means the world to me, to us...

Jessy POV.

I got up this morning so very early, I went straight to the kitchen to prepare Mr devil some coffee the beating I receive last night still hurt I wonder what I did to the goddamn idiot but not my watch very soon all this will be over I said convincing myself even tho I knew it was barely four month I spent with him this just the 3rd month now, I said remembering when the shit put a ring in my finger.  I decided to make pancakes, I don't even know his favourite food but it not that I care or what I just don't want another beating,  I finished with the coffee and pancakes, I noticed he likes his pancakes nor brownish and his coffee full with milk.

At least that the only thing I knew about him apart that his wealthy plus he beat me all the time he find his hand itching I said to my self as I hissed.

I finished with what I was doing and took it to his room, I knocked on his door, I hated this husband nice material but I had to do it to save my skin I love my skin to see red marks in it,

Knock knock!

"What, whose that this morning for Christ sake it Saturday it my only free day" after a few mins of waiting the door opened revealing the devil in white clothing he opened the door further, he was just on  brief boxer which was fucking hot, seeing that made me forget abut the beating he gave me, those boxers were my favourite, he went straight to his king bed and sat in them as I serve him his breakfast in bed as soon as I was done, about to leave when he held me in my hands telling me to wait, he dropped the food on the table and stood up which frightened me the more does he want to give me another beating, I said to my self as I moved back and back till I was now in contact with that wall and him been in front of me wasn't at all good but at the same time he was hot as fuck.

He kissed me which made me opened my eyes in shock a while ago he was been a devil now he been an angel which was fucking cheating because he was having what he wanted, kissing me with so much passion which made me moan, yeah I hated it but I have to give into his demands, for godsake we speaking of the devil him self so I gave in.

He went straight for my cock and kissed it with so much passion and desire I fucking love that but I was so uncomfortable who made me like this none other than the devil whose now sucking my cock so hard which made me moan for more but he was done with that,I took me up, with my legs on his butt kissing him so hard, he later me on the bed, and removed my boxer yes I was on brief boxer too like I said I liked them a lot, he went my cock and sucked the daylight out of them at a point I pity them my legs where twinkling in so much sensation which I loved now, I  loved the position I was not the one that I be on the floor been punished for my sins.

He stopped and went towards my head and placed his cock in my mouth making me to take all of it inside, I hated the feeling of been chocked but I loved it as well.

As he was done with that he went for my chest which was so hairless I was hairless every where I do shave most often tho but I don't bring much hair it wasn't in our family he raised my legs and I new where he was heading to, he placed his wet tongue inside my pussy hole which made me moaned with pleasure, I love it but I couldn't tell him, we don't talk while having this thing it was weird but that how my life is in winter house.

I held on to the bed when his cock where inside of me, I wanted him so bad but I didn't say a thing.

He banged me so hard, we went different round he wasn't tired and I wasn't complaining either we both wanted it so...........

He went for the doggy style, which made him banged me the more going deeper and deeper and then we position our body for the sit up style which I wasn't a fan of but he like it and who I'm I to complain am just a slave and a sex toy..

When he was at his climax he released in my damn mouth which was fucking irritating and yunk.....

Bye guys I see you soon don't forget to vote while you read OK

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Love you all❤

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