Chapter 17: Rias's tantrum and Y/n gained a new power

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As Rias and the others approached the girls as Xenovia noticed them and she summons her Durandal and pointed it at Rias and she glared at her.

Xenovia - What do you want, Gremory? She said angrily.

Rias - Relax. I'm not here for you. I'm here for Y/n.

Xenovia - Did Y/n said to you that he didn't want you to see at all?

Rias - No. She simply said.

Xenovia - Then you should stay away from him.

Rias - I won't leave here unless Y/n decided to talk to me.

Xenovia - You will have to deal with me first before you talk to Y/n.

Rias - And if I lose?

Xenovia - You will never approach Y/n and us ever again.

Rias - Alright, I'll take you on.

Xenovia then went to her battle stance as Rias summons magic circles from her hands.

With Y/n and Issei

Issei then saw an explosion from the girls and he said to Y/!n,

Issei - Hey Y/n. Something is going on there. He said as he pointed the girls.

Y/n then look to the girls and saw Xenovia and Rias fighting with each other.

Y/n - Let's go to them Issei and stop their fight at once.

Issei - Right away.

Y/n and Issei then stopped their training and they went to the girls.

When they arrived, they saw Rias and Xenovia from the sky with Rias let out her devil wings while Xenovia let out her angel wings.

Y/n - Hey guys, What's going on?

Asia - Rias and the others just arrived here and Xenovia and made a deal with each other.

Y/n - And what about this deal you are talking about?

Irina - When Rias wins, you're going to talk to Rias. When she lose, Xenovia then forbid her to go to near of us ever again.

Y/n - Ooh I like that deal. Let's see who will win. He said as he look above.

Koneko - I hope Xenovia wins.

Back with Xenovia and Rias

Xenovia then made a forward slash which Rias blocked the slash by summoning a red barrier to repel the slash. Xenovia then put more power on her sword as the barrier is slowly breaking. When the barrier broke, Rias quickly backed away from her as she fired a sphere of destruction to Xenovia in which she only the slice the ball into half, exploding in process.

Rias then fired a barrage of small ball of destruction to Xenovia in which she tried to block and dodge the spheres but that consumes a lot of stamina to her. As  soon as she reached her limit, the incoming spheres of destruction hit Xenovia consecutively. After receiving so many blasts, Xenovia then began to fall on the ground as her angel wings disappeared. While falling, Y/n catch Xenovia's unconscious body and flew down slowly. He then placed Xenovia's body on the ground gently. After a while Xenovia gained consciousness as ber body is full of injuries. She then looked at Y/n and she said,

Xenovia - I'm sorry....... Y/n........ I failed you. She said in between her breaths.

Y/n - It's okay, Xenovia. What's important is that you did your best to fight with that red-haired slut.

Asia - Hey Y/n. Can I heal her?

Y/n - Eh?! You can do that? He said surprised.

Asia - Yeah. I also have a Sacred Gear called Twilight Healing. *as she kneeled down at Xenovia* Don't worry Xenovia, I'll heal you.

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